
Battle Analysis Methodology : The Battle Of Fredericksburg

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Battle Analysis Methodology

The Battle of Fredericksburg took place between December 11-15, in and around Fredericksburg, Virginia. General Robert E. Lee commanded the confederate Army of Northern Virginia, while the opposition forces of the Union Army of the Potomac, were commanded by Major General Ambrose Burnside. The battle stemmed from a need for the Union Army to demonstrate some success in the war effort. The Northern public was currently losing confidence in Lincoln and his ability to win the war. Lincoln had replaced several of his top Generals in order to thwart the recent advances of the Confederate Army, which made significant advances during the fall. The battle is remembered as one of the most one-sided battles in the history of the war, being that the Union casualties would amount to more than three times that of the Confederates. When looking at the methodology Major General Burnside used to stage his troops and prepare his attack, we can assess why the number of casualties far surpassed that of the Confederates. Preparation, equipment, time and execution were the main factors which attributed to the failed campaign, ending with the withdrawal of the Union troops on December 15, 1862. The plan initially went awry after Burnside and his troops arrived to the Rappahannock and there were no pontoon bridges to cross the river, which were only requisitioned for 10 days prior. The equipment would eventually arrive two weeks later, giving General Lee

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