
Becoming A Teacher Is Charged With The Responsibility Of Imparting Knowledge And Skills

Decent Essays

A teacher is charged with the responsibility of imparting knowledge and skills that allow for continued ability of students to impact positively in the world. In the history, CTE teachers bore the responsibility of teaching and preparing students to meet the demands of the labor market (Wang, 2011). My teaching philosophy is aimed at improving teaching and learning methods to allow for acquiring of skills that will give the students a competitive edge in the labor market and ensure job sustainability. My philosophy is in accordance with the concepts defined in the historical context of CTE teachers. Currently, preparing the students to meet the demands of the workforce is no longer sufficient (IWNC, 2012). This is because of the constantly changing labor market and work demands. The CTE program was initiated in the 20th century and since then, ad advancing science and technology has led to the evolution of business education.
Applying the history of CTE in business will influence my philosophy in teaching and learning positively. My area of focus is to help the students acquire the necessary skills required in the workforce, and in so doing, help reduce the existing skills gap. The current economy is marked by an influx of graduates and a marked absence in business productivity (IWNC, 2012). This can be attributed to the current education system, where students focus on passing academic work to graduate, and as a result, enter the workforce being ‘half-baked’. One of the

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