
Bed Room Temperature Lab

Decent Essays

This graph shows an approximate prediction of the results that will be obtained from this practical. The same trendline will need to be observed in order for the hypothesis to be be confirmed. The froth volume will increase as the temperatures increase, and then once the optimum temperature is reached (approximately 39°C), the froth volume will then start to decrease afterwards. This will be caused by the enzymes denaturing due to the high temperatures.

Experimental Procedures
The independent variable for this experiment is the temperature of the water bath, as this is what factor is changing throughout the practical. The temperatures will be ranging from 10°C to 50°C in ten degree increments. This will allow for the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction to be …show more content…

After twenty seconds, the stopwatch was stopped and the volume of the froth in the measuring cylinder was marked with a black marker.
Steps eleven to fourteen were completed for the rest of the test tubes with the contents of tube two and seven mixed together, tube three and eight mixed together, tube four and nine mixed together and tube five and ten mixed together.
Between each round of the experiment, all of the equipment was cleaned to remove chances of contamination.
All of the measurements were recorded in a table.
The equipment was then cleaned again, the liver was placed a bin and the bench was cleaned with spray.

Figure 2.
This figure is the photo of all of the materials needed for the investigation. This includes thermometers, beakers, measuring cylinders, the hydrogen peroxide/detergent solution and ten beakers labelled 1-10, placed into a test tube rack.

Figure 3.
This figure shows the five 1cm cubes segments of fresh liver that have been cut carefully with the medical blade and measured with a ruler.


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