
Beethoven Romanticism

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Thanks to Beethoven, music was taken highly serious among the people and the literatures of arts. During the nineteenth century, the first two decades were devoted to Romanticism. Literature wasn’t the only thing that poured out during this time period, so did the music. People such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was an Enlightenment philosopher in the mid-eighteenth century, provided the Romantics with ideas on how to express themselves as opposed to what society expected from one. These ideas led people to live an upbeat joyful life rather than a sluggish boring one. However, Romanticism came to be during a time of war, and because of how freely expressive the Romantics were they became know as rebels who went against the rules and regulations. So rebellious that the Romantic composers were experimenting with chords that had been off limits.
This time period also brought some spooky harmonies orchestral sounds, along with recognizable operas such as Robert the Devil, The Vampire, The Magic Bullet, and Frankenstein. Just like the Romantic period expanded the orchestral, it also picked up on the …show more content…

They didn’t want to be without the program, but at the same time they did not want the music to “make sense on its own term.” In other words, the Romantics embraced the pure beauty of instrumental music but they also liked program music because it mixes in nonmusical elements. Although the Romantics liked being different, most of their compositions were either miniature or grandiose compositions. The difference is that miniature compositions were a few minutes longs, but were designed to convey a particularly pointed emotion, and be meaningful. In contrast, grandiose compositions were meant for large symphonies and longer time duration that were interweaved with poetry, philosophical or religious ideas, story lines, and dramatic

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