
Beginning Teachers’ Perceptions toward Teacher Training and Professional Development Programs

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Transitioning from student to teacher can leave future educators questioning if they are truly prepared to enter into the classroom for the first time. Perhaps most feel confident about the training they received over the principles and procedures that will help prepare them but what happens once they leave the comfort of their mentor teachers and venture off into their career. Often beginning teachers encounter problems related to teaching, students, and the school environment. Unfortunately, a number of them will leave the profession within three to five years due to negative experiences. The ones who choose to stick it out typically will seek ways to enhance what they learned during their teacher preparation courses.
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Attention was given to training strategies to help students analyze their teaching activities.
According to Cherubini (2008) beginning teachers’ display high levels of energy and ideals about teaching despite their lack of competence. Research confirms new teachers experiences are affected by observations gathered throughout their practicum placements and that these observations translate into expectations as their careers evolve (Cherubini, 2008).
A study conducted by Smart (2010) determined that most new teachers feel quite capable of handling minor problems that tend to come along during the first few years of teaching. The experience that is gained from their student teaching plays a major part in their ability to gain this knowledge but most feel they lack or do not have adequate training or the skills needed to handle more extreme cases such as aggression, defiance and deviant behaviors. As a result most teachers fail to remain after their first year due to frustrations experienced.
The turnover rate for teachers in some areas is particular high and studies have determined that often it is due to the of lack of training or skills necessary despite completing teacher preparation programs. More research should be conducted into establishing effective professional development programs or implementing different teaching methods for new teachers. A study conducted by LaVan (2009) explored the process of coteaching and its impact on participants

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