
Behavior Expectations: An Analysis Of Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills

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As a coach, your role is to bring team members together to discuss their individual profiles and help them find ways to work together. For example, if Sally knows that George is shy, she'll have a better appreciation for why he prefers to do tasks independently. Rather than assume he's just not interested in working with her, Sally can focus instead on finding ways to relate to George on his terms. Likewise, when George realizes that social acceptance is important to Sally, he can make an effort to be more friendly and interested in what she's doing.
With a greater level of understanding, team members begin to see one another differently. This allows them to adjust their own behavior for better results, and they're able to interpret others' behavior with more insight and empathy.
Establish Behavior Expectations
Understanding other people's perspectives is a great …show more content…

When team members have personal goals that don't match team goals, this can lead to "secret," hidden behavior. As a team leader and coach, your role is to identify the sources of competing values � and find ways to fix them.

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Even in today�s electronic age, effective interpersonal communication skills are a key factor in your professional and personal success. Unfortunately, communication doesn�t come naturally for everyone. The good news is that you can learn good communication skills by learning from the best communicators. Consider these 10 characteristics of effective communicators that will help you improve your own communication skills.

A Clear, Concise Message

No one likes a rambler, so have your primary purpose in mind when you begin your communication. Simplify your thoughts, so you can present your point in a precise manner. Once you have made your first important point, move on to the

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