
Benchmarking Data Analysis

Decent Essays

The benchmarking data is used when you want to compare your fitness tests. This data is gathered from a number of studies that allows you to see a normal range of results and allows you to make a judgement against a data that you have collected. Data will be generally put into a number of categories, including age and gender, which means that you will be able to compare your results with similar groups. Benchmarking data can also be used to compare your results with elite sports performers. By using benchmarking data you will be able to develop a fitness plan including target setting. Pre-test preparations To ensure that the results gained from a series of fitness tests are valid and reliable you must make sure that the participant is fully …show more content…

For tests such as body composition using bio impendence the participant must be fully hydrated. This is also important for tests where aerobic and muscular endurance are being measured so that participant does not become dehydrated during the test. for a number of tests, including flexibility and power and strength tests, a full warm-up should be conducted to reduce the possibility of injury The importance of following the correct protocol during fitness tests Test protocol are formal documents that typically outline requirements, activities and documentation to be completed. Some form of protocol should be developed prior to any test. The main reasons for developing protocol are: Protocol Preparation: If participant follow the protocol and they are in a good physical state and procedures are followed with each testing sessions then the results will be more valid. Also assure that all aspects of running a test have been considered. Communication and Training: These are to train those who need to help and assist with the test. Effectiveness: To ensure a mechanism for the test needs, limitations and

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