
Benefit Of College Education

Decent Essays

While every single person is entitled to an education, not everyone feels that an education is worth having the first place. And it’s terribly unfortunate notion. This may be the case because there is a large portion of people who are unknowing of the benefits and advantages of having an education, or, more specifically, a college degree from a four-year, accredited college or university. Whatever their reasoning may be, this unfortunate group doesn’t understand or know that having an education – a college degree – is the key to living a fulfilling, financially independent life. Not only does having an education generally earn people more money than someone without one, it allows a person to have freedom in choosing their career. A college degree also gives them job security, because they fall back on their education for employment. In turn, having a college degree means having a high quality of life. When a person graduates from college and earns a degree in a specialized field, it is an indicator to the working world that they have acquired the practical skills and knowledge necessary to help and grow a business. With an education – and the knowledge, verbal, written and critical-thinking skills that go with it – a person becomes eligible for jobs that pay well, for careers that will gradually pay more and more as that person gains more experience in that field. A person doesn’t need a college degree to be a plumber or a construction worker – occupations that actually pay

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