
Benefits Of Assisted Living Facilities In The United States

Decent Essays

Housing decisions are one of the most important decisions that the adults need to make. An adult considers many points like comfort, contentment and safety before making discretion about housing option. There are many housing options and arrangements catering to the different needs of the senior adults in the USA.. Following section helps to understand various housing options:
Owning a home:
Many of the older adults want to stay in the homes where they have lived for many years. For others, downsizing to a smaller home is an alternative. While remaining in one’s own home may be highly desirable for older adults, the wisdom of choosing that option depends on making certain that their health, social and financial needs are met.
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In some states, the term “assisted living” or “assisted living facility” includes all types of group settings that provide some level of in¬home support services. In other states, assisted living facilities are specifically licensed and regulated by state law. In these states, assisted living facilities must provide the services and features the state requires. Assisted living facilities are a housing option for those who need a wide range of in-home support services to help them with activities of daily living. However, residents in these facilities do not require the level of continuous nursing care that a nursing home …show more content…

In particular, disability rates converge over time. For example, the share of 50–54 year olds with some type of disability ranges from 7 percent of those with at least $60,000 in annual income to 33 percent of those earning less than $30,000 (Figure 3). By age 85, however, more than two-thirds of individuals have some type of disability no matter what their race/ethnicity, income, or housing tenure. Income also drops with age for all groups. The typical income of households aged 80 and over ($25,000) is less than half that of households aged 50–64 ($60,300). This across-the-board drop in income reduces disparities by race/ethnicity and tenure. For example, the incomes of white households aged 50–64 are fully $31,000 higher than those of same-aged black households. By the time households reach their 80s, though, the white-black income disparity is just

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