Free college first two years?
Would you feel stress free if the government paid for your college? Students would feel relief, that they don’t have to stress about money right after high school. It can be hard for some people to come up with enough money for school when they come from a poor or low-income family. It could be an easy way to give up on dreams and goals in life if there’s no way for students to afford it. The government should have the ability to pay for all students to go to college the first two years, so they can get a head start and have no excuses for not going. More students would want to attend college to better their future, less crimes would be committed, and more business would be made in the communities around us.
Introducing free college tuition would have a positive impact of The United States, even so much as two year associate’s degree would have a hung impact. Free college tuition would give hope to the families which can’t afford the cost of tuition. Fran Cubberley states in his paper “The reality of Free Community College Tuition” that “1,300 students who completed our entry process through course registration ultimately dropped out before classes were underway. One of the major reasons was they could not pay their tuition.” Cost for tuition is huge factor on why people don’t attend college. Just think of all the amazing talent that the world is missing out on because people don’t have the money to attend college and get a degree or
The prospect of attending college can be both exciting and disconcerting, particularly given the current cost of tuition. “Free college programs that cover students' tuition are a step toward addressing issues of the cost of higher education, but leave questions of quality unanswered” (Bayer). Which means free tuition for a student that doesn’t have financial aid assisting them. I believe college should be free within the United States. Although there are states with “free”college or some kind of program to assists students in ; I believe all the states should provide free college for students. This being said, college should be free for students; no matter their race, religion, or sex. They would only be responsible for utilities and whatever else they chose to buy. Tution would essentially be paid by taxpayers within the state. Students can’t afford tuition and expenses due to them not making enough money at their part time job while going to school full-time. Even if a student could afford the tuition they still would not have enough to cover their other expenses.
In 2016, college grads graduated with an average of $37,172 in student loan debt. This is a 6% increase from the previous year, and the rates increase as colleges become more expensive. Going to a University or College is looked upon as a luxury or a privilege nowadays. Good paying jobs that supply good living standards are requiring at least a bachelor’s degree to be considered for hiring. Any persons, including college students, should not be forced to live with, be pressured by, or be under the control of student loan debt. Student loan debt has been proven to have an impact on a person’s mental health. It keeps the less fortunate from having a chance to prosper in a competitive workforce, and the system that provides financial aid (FAFSA) doesn’t always meet a person’s needs completely. College should be an earned right for those who have stuck through the education process as an adolescent.
According to USA Today, In 2017, the graduating class of colleges will come out with a four year degree and close to $30,000 of debt from student loans (“The Average Student Loan Debt in Every State”). The idea of free college was recently brought up in the 2017 presidential campaign by Bernie Sanders. He made it clear that if he became president, he would use the taxpayers money to make college free. College should be free to attend due to the fact that people who may be smarter than others may not be able to attend college because of their lack of income, U.S. tax dollars could fund tuition payments, and it will help our workforce by adding more people with degrees into it.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
All colleges in the United States should be free for college students. Free tuition would be able to benefit students everywhere because they would be able to obtain their degrees and continue to get a sufficient job to support themselves. This advancement would equal to millions of students not having to go their whole lives owing money because of large student loans that is hard to pay back. The United States Government should provide free tuition for all college students.
If college were to be made free more students all around the nation would try to get better grades so that they can get accepted into college and work on their dreams.Furthermore the government won't be wasting any money but it would be a lot more like an investment because those students who graduate from college, will eventually get jobs and start paying
Being able to go to college is an accomplishment and funding it is a problem for the students or for the parents.
Lots of people dream of going to college. Most people can't go learn about what they want because they don't have enough money. Our taxes pay for up to 14 years of tuition free education. That's called public school. College/Universities cause most of our debt. Having it paid by our taxes would bring down our debt rate, more people could go to college, and college is stressful enough.
Imagine a world where college was completely free. Tuition is completely paid for, no book fees, housing fees, everything is one-hundred percent paid for by the government. Unfortunately, the only downfall to that is that the people fund the government. Taxpayers, which should be almost all of America, are the ones who give the government the money to do every day necessities. The government will not be able to afford to pay for every student to have free college on their own, all of that money will have to come from us, the people. This means that college really isn't free. The government should not pay for everyone's college because it is unfair to those who can easily afford it, taxes will go through the roof, and will inhibit a lesser education if it is free for everyone.
First, free college would be better for more of the struggling families in the U.S. About 60% of graduated college students have student loan costs that are close to 60% of the income of their job. If the student loans
Today in America, college tuition is more expensive compared to what it was in the 80s and 90s. More people rely on welfare and are living in poverty; they cannot afford college for their children. The first two years of college should be provided free for everyone in America because there is a possibility that some of the world’s brightest minds could not afford the outlandish prices of college. Some people do not believe this way because their taxes will go up and they think they should not have to pay for someone else's child. These people have some good points as taxes will go up, but ultimately they will be helping better the community by getting more educated people out into the world. The first two years of college should be provided for qualifying students because they work hard, they may not be able to afford it, and student debt can cause severe depression.
Imagine a world with increase in income, social equality, and a world with free college! President Obama said that he would propose a government program to make a community college free to help improve education. This was stated in the reading (New York Times Newspaper). This is great because some kids are unfortunate to afford an education for college, this needs to change by putting in a community college for students worldwide. Not everybody has the money to pay for college tuition, with this program everybody has a chance to get an education and also a better job.
good career if college was free.The recent studies of tuition increases have proven that it is obvious college should be free.
Free college would save many students money which would in turn keep them out of debt. Without having to save up money, take a year off college to get a job to pay for it or take out student loans would save all students an