
Benefits Of Teaching Yoga

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Yoga asanas you can practice with your child
Teaching yoga to kids is a uniquely wonderful way to guiding them into a healthy lifestyle. From a young age, they can be taught to calm the mind and become more emotionally stable. Kids go through a lot of physical exertion; yoga helps them calm down and simultaneouslybuilds their strength. They love learning through fun and not through routine patterns, so yoga poses need to be tailored for kids to enjoy them. There are many advantages of yoga, and practicing them from a young age will especially be useful in the long run.
Yoga helps kids concentrate better on their studies; research has even showed it helps in improving grades. It can increase creativity, build stamina and confidence, reduce stress levels etc. In today’s time, kids are under pressure to perform well academically and in athletics, all while having a high general knowledge and balancing a social life. The benefits of yoga are such that kids can maintain these roles and yet be de-stressed.
The following are some yoga poses that can be practiced:
Cat Pose or Marjariasana
Have kids meow in Cat pose to encourage breathing. This pose stretches torso and neck, gently massages the spine and internal organs.

Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This pose stretches the chest, …show more content…

There needs to be an adequate amount of physical activities each day, because they have so much energy. So one thing we have do at home which really works is to make the house very kid-friendly. Keep minimal furniture and leave plent of space for them to run around easily. The effort taken to ensure that they get enough physical exercise and activity in the day has an overall impact on everything, every aspect of the child’s life. The appetite improves, they eat good food, they sleep well, they listen to you because they have expended their

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