Summary The article “Benefits You Get From a GMO” by Janet Renee appeared in the May, 20, 2015, “Diet and Nutrition” section on The author focuses on the benefits of GMOs and provides a description of GMOs. The author states that GMOs have been genetically changed by adding genes from one organism that are beneficial and that many foods can be genetically modified. have been modified so that they are improved aesthetically and and beneficial for the producers. Moreover, there are nutritional benefits, like higher amounts of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial body. Additionally, these have the potential to reduce the amount of carcinogenic and dangerous chemicals found in foods such as gluten-free grains. Critique Janet
Now, some of you may be wondering, “What exactly are GMOs,” or “Why should I care about them?” GMOs stand for genetically modified, or engineered, organisms. Scientists GM foods by inserting genes from an unrelated species into another. The explanation given from scientists on why they do this is for the safety of our health. It is believed that genetically modifying foods are to 'strengthen,' or enhance the food product. However, rather than aid our health like it was
Although GMO’s in my opinion are considered bad, there are some benefits to them. One reason is that they are cheap, and affordable. Ingredients grown using GM technology require fewer pesticides, and less water making them cheap. This is very beneficial to those who may live in certain places, where food is hard to come by. They are able to afford the food, because of the
The article, Are GMOs bad for your health?, by Helen Kollias is very informative, interesting, and engaging.The article explains what genetically modified organisms are and gives examples of different types of organisms that are modified. it also lists the pros and cons of these modifications. The article begins by stating that the topic of GMOs is one that contains lot of debate. It also statesthat it becomes hard for an individual to know what exactly to believe in, therefore there is many missleading information. The author provides and example in the fact that Vitamin A deficiency causes blindness in many children, but a scientists constructed rice called "golden rice" that contains Vitamin A. This golden rice could help clear the blindness
Many will argue that Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) are not safe for human consumption, however they are almost inevitable for our everyday food consumption. Some argue that the recent increase in gluten intolerance is caused by GMO foods (Argument against). Other state that the risk to humans by GMO’s is relatively small (The GMO”). The bottom line is what people put into their bodies is a personal choice and a person should be able to easily tell if a product has been genetically modified or not.
A major upside to GMOs is fighting world hunger. People also need to realize that the world population is increasing rapidly (Baragona).The only way that we will be able to support the growing population is to produce more food while still using the same amount or less resources. Farmers can do this by through the use of GMO’s. GMO’s have certain traits that non-GMO organisms don't have that can make crops produce more food and resources while using less water and
Incan and Egyptian Society Thousands of years separate the Incan and ancient Egyptian civilizations, but interestingly enough they are very similar. Both of these civilizations have a similar social structure, to include how and why a ruler came to power. These civilizations also had the same structure for children to become adults, although some differences will be discussed. This paper will serve to explore not only the similarities between these two civilizations, but their differences will be shared as well. The Incan civilization is arranged in a way that resembles a pyramid.
Our nation’s immigration policy should be clear and cut-throat, meaning that the federal government needs to create policies that can be enforce by law officials without any repercussions or having difficulty of being constitutional. The only reason that America is having difficulty of illegal immigration or immigration overall is because we don’t want to face the public scrutiny that could come of have deportation or “unfair” treatment of the families of the immigrants in America. I believe that America should deport all illegal immigrants however the immigrant that was deported can apply to reinstate themselves back into America. I understand this could be lengthy process, however policy needs to be in place and this is the only way that the federal government can repair this immigration problem. To enable you to understand my point-of-view of immigration policies, you have to understand that this problem that
While the agricultural world is working hard to make positive influences on more efficient farming, individuals have treated GMO’s as a negative alteration in their produce. Farmers and researchers in the agricultural world claim no harm can be done by them. GMO’s have not yet been proven to be harmful to humans and have, in fac,t had a positive impact on the food industry today.
Genetic modified organisms, or GMOs, are living organisms that, through the genetic engineering process, have been altered to withstand certain chemicals and increase the nutritional value of the product. In fact, the majority of the foods found at the grocery store are genetically altered. Genetic modification is becoming increasingly popular on farms throughout the United States and moving into other parts of the world due to their increasing yield capabilities and pest and weed control. However, this has been, and continues to be, an extremely controversial topic of discussion in the world of agriculture and biotechnology, as well as health food critics, because of potential environmental and health risks.
The article contains necessary information to support why GMOs are more beneficial than harmful. The author believes that, “consumers should weigh the positives with the negatives and embrace this innovative process.” In the article, the author provides information about GMOs to be concerned about but successfully gives
GMO foods are not the most healthy or honest foods, but they are the most helpful. Many fruits and vegetables are engineered to be resistant to bugs and diseases that could cause famine. This helps farmers all over the country by giving them a better harvest. Also, non-sanitary soil has become a large problem in some places around the world. The soil made it harder for crops to grow in certain environments. To solve this problem, scientists could take a gene from a plant that can live in these conditions, and plant it into another crop’s genome. This would make the crop that
Imagine rousing feeling disorientated with the blinding sun searing your eyes. Today was a significant day for you: it was the anniversary of your first month stranded in the ocean. You sigh as you push yourself upright and stare at the desolate ocean spread out before you. The deep blue waves lapped at your small raft. You groan as you stand up to examine your boat; bleak, runned down and dirty as always. What happened that led you to get into such a terrible place? Many people ended up suffering their demise out in the middle of the ocean. During World War II, many people ended up being lost in the sea and the few that survived were left only to cope with the mental and physical toll it took on them.
A Genetically Modified Organism or GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the process of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found within. These genetically modified organisms are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, introduced in 1994. However, beginning in 2014 these chemicals could be found in 90% of corn, cotton, and soybeans produced in the United States. The looks and taste of genetically modified organisms may seem inviting but are the health risks really worth it? In my opinion, I believe that while genetically modified organisms do have positive feel and comfort they pose a large health risk to all who choose to consume them.
Some of the advantages of GM foods are that they are better for the environment. GMOs are adapted in such a way that many plants don’t require pesticides or other chemicals that impact on the earth. GMOs increase the flavour and longevity of the fruit. Another advantage which is probably in the best interest of society is that fact that it often decreases price of products and often becomes more affordable. Although research and testing is not cheap, once it is on the market the prices of your normal GM foods are substantially more affordable. With all the advantages comes the counter, disadvantage. GM foods often cause cross contamination where pollen from genetically modified foods are also contaminated. When GMOs are around other plants often the pollen can drift over to the wrong plants and create plants that have resistance to the conditions that were meant for the crops to be resistant to. Essentially GMOs potentially have the
As time progresses, more and more research is done that examines how what we eat affects our body. I am sure that all of you have seen research that, in general, discourages us from eating processed food that contains artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Instead, we are encouraged to eat “natural” food—fruit, vegetables and minimally processed grains. However, I’m sure that by now, most of you have heard about GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms. GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been altered in a laboratory by processes such as gene splicing. The result is an organism that doesn’t exist in nature—it has essentially been created in a laboratory. There is growing debate over the use of GMOs. Some argue that the risks outweigh the benefits. Some argue that the benefits outweigh the risks. Regardless of your opinion about the use of GMOs, I hope to provide you all with a better knowledge of the history of GMOs, a better understanding of the practical uses of GMOs and address the most commonly discussed pros and cons associated with the use of GMOs.