
Benefits of Swimming

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Swimming Rejuvenating, the body mind and spirit….

Fitness development
The fitness development of swimming can be classified into1 group and 2 sub-sections:
Performing swimming regularly can help one in building cardio which is important for both weight loss and good cardiovascular health. When the workout is increased gradually by swimming strokes in the water, the heart rate and muscle activity is improved. This increases blood flow to your muscles, which results in more nutrients being delivered to them. It decreases risks of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure ands prevents obesity when calories are being burnt during your workout sessions. Always remember to warm up before a proper swimming workout session. After a …show more content…

Swimming is a very low impact exercise taking away any excess pressure on the bones, joints and muscles. It is one of the safest and cushioned forms of physical exercise. It improves the ability to control and maintain healthy weight During 30 minutes of swimming it is possible to burn 260 calories. Low water temperatures also stimulate blood circulation, builds up endurance and metabolism
Social Benefits: Whether at the beach or a pool the best form of recreation is swimming; it is a lot of fun and can be great way to socialize, friendships are made and you meet/interact with people from all different walks of life. You can join a water aerobics class or a master’s swim practice and socialize while you workout because it’s a safe work out program.
Spiritual/Emotional benefits: Helps develop a positive attitude but mainly swimming forces you to regulate your breathing and allows more oxygen to flow into muscles. It also helps in massaging your muscles and relieves stress and tension. Being surrounded by the warm water facilitates a calming and meditative feeling. Contributes to a feeling of well-being as well as renewing energy and teaching patience. For a first time swimmer it removes the fear of water, preferably swimming should be introduced at an early age.
Environmental responsibilities you should consider

Chlorine in swimming pools- The chemicals found in

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