
Beware Of Brand Trend Jackers

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Beware of Brand Trend Jackers

Two week’s ago, I started this blog series to brand Branding Habits. I encouraged people to keep the conversation going on social media by using #BrandingHabits. And people are using that hashtag via social media.

But, along with most other hashtags, some people are trying to trend jack #BrandingHabits. For those not familiar with trend jacking, it is using a hashtag, even if it has nothing to do with a tweet.

For instance, if Justin Bieber promotes an upcoming show, his concert promoter might use #BiebLAShow. But if someone in LA selling jewelry wants to generate business, they might tweet something using that hashtag.

Of course, I am not comparing the popularity of #BrandingHabits to one of Bieber 's …show more content…

For many Millennials, the conversational defaults are often social media sites and chat apps. That’s not to bad mouth Millennials, as they often have a passion for making this world a better place. But it is to point out a disconnect brands must work to mend with millennial members of their audience.

While their passion allows them to engage well with projects and humanitarian missions, they often don 't know how to engage with others. Their Gen Xer parents dropped them off at the babysitter 's or stuck them in front of TVs or video game systems instead of spending family time with them. They devalued their kids by severing that personal connection for which their children yearned. And that caused Millennial kids pawned off by their parents to feel less valuable.

Because we raised a generation of kids who don 't know how to engage with one another, they seek to connect with their favorite brands. When a Millenial comments on a brand’s Facebook page, retweets them, or otherwise engages with them, and that brand responds, it gives them a sense of satisfaction. And that disconnect between Millenial children and their parents has caused a social rift throughout society.

Yes, it’s great to get likes and comments from other users. But a comment from the brand gives that brand’s audience member a feeling of value. It makes them feel the post or comment they took the time to write was worth reading. And that makes that person feel like someone 's

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