
Biblical Worldview Research Paper

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What is a worldview? Worldview is perspective on life and the world around us. Worldview is individual to each person, encompassing a variety of factors. In their book, Contemporary Worldviews, Lew Weider and Ben Gutierrez describe some of these contributing factors: “ A worldview, then is a response of our heart or inner being; our intellect, emotion, and will. It is the total framework we bring to decision-making” (59). For the Christian, it is imperative to base worldview on biblical principles. Applying scripture to the five topics that encompass a worldview, origin, identity, meaning, morality, and destiny, will greatly contribute to a better understanding of what is means to have a biblical worldview. The Question of Origin …show more content…

Apart from the introductory first words of Scripture, where it states in Genesis 1:1 that “God Created...”, and in later chapters describing the creation of man, the Bible is full of references to God being the originator of creation. In the book of Neimiah, when the Israelites are confessing their sins, it is acknowledged in Neimiah 9:6 that God alone is the Lord and through him the heavens, earth, and everything in them was created. The Question of Identity To be a human being comes with a distinct identity; created in the image of God; that is to say, “humankind is the apex of creation” (Milne, 135). In Genesis 1:27 it clearly states that human beings, male and female, were created in God’s image. Now, whereas it has been identified that all things originated from God, He still designed order among his creation, and in Genesis 1:28 He instructed man to rule over every living creature of the air, sea, and ground. The Question of …show more content…

The Bible however, designates very clear lines of morality as “ethics [are] based upon the nature and character of God” (Weider, Gutierrez, 72). Whether it be jealousy and greed or sexual immorality, the sinful nature is within each human as a result of The Fall. However, with the acceptance of Christ comes the gifts of the Holy Spirit, contradicting the sinful nature and instilling within the believer the character of our Creator (Galatians 5: 16-26). Scripture is very clear on living a life devoted to righteous and goodness, as apposed to rejection and truth and following evil , thus eternal condemnation being the consequence (Romans

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