
Bill Gates Essay

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Bill Gates We read books for a number of reasons but usually because we want to or we have to. When you pick up a book it falls into one of three types, dependent on whether it is a want to or a have to type of book. First there's the kind of book you pick up and like the look of but then the first chapter is so bad that you have to put it down because you are either too confused by the plot or you discover it has been written in some obscure untranslatable language. The second type is where the first chapter is slightly disappointing but it is worth pursuing so you read on. These books are often the type you recommend to friends although you have only the basic sketch as to what they are about (such as any pulp fiction novel - you've …show more content…

While at Lakeside, Gates met his close friend and future business partner Paul Allen. Together they entered the world of programming at Lakeside. It all started on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, where one of the brains behind Microsoft Corporation was born, William Henry Gates III. At thirteen he started going to Lakeside School. A year later, the Mothers' Club invested in a computer terminal for the students. Gates teamed up with three other students to form The Lakeside Programmers Group. Their first real business deal was a payroll program they wrote for Information Sciences Inc., in 1971. At the young age of 15, Gates was able to crash the DEC operating system and the CDC, which were two of the most advanced computer systems at that time. Although his ability to crash these two systems brought him some major trouble, it also led him to his first business adventure. Gates and Allen started the company Traf-O-Data, which earned them $20,000. Gates and Allen developed a machine was able to generate summary statistics on traffic flow from a rubber tube strung across a highway. Unfortunately, Traf-O-Data was not a big success. However, after their Traf-O-Data adventure the Gates and Allen received a job offer with TRW, a corporation that produced software producta. They were able to earn $30,000 a year working with a software development group, which proved to be a very valuable experience for both

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