
Billy 's Father Ghost Like Presence

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In all the great lengthy stories of existence... it is said that there has only been one twelve hundred year old boy. His name was Billy. Forty three thousand and sixty nine years before Billy was born his father did something few people have ever ever achieved. He became a ghost. As a ghost... Billy 's father was an exceptionally brilliant spook. Which is to say that he was very very shiny. Billy 's father ghost like presence was harnessed by a highly cultivated civilization to power their light bulbs. Yet despite being drained by billions upon billions of light bulbs... Billy 's father still shined, ever brighter. No matter how large the civilization grew. Billy 's father 's mojo was the ever-constant electricity. Until one day... as all days come... a five year old child with the mentality of a toddler threw a tantrum and turned the light switch in her house on and off too many times. What 's a ghost to do when they die? When all their ectoplasmic juices are all used up in a swirling toilet slurping noise, leading on down into the second death. As those whom have passed beyond this barrier well know. Beyond ghostly death there is a new birth... and Billy 's father was born into a new world of understanding. A new level of consciousness. Yet before Billy 's father died as a ghost. He did something even more miraculous. He found his soul mate in the world of ghosts. Together they found willing living people and thru them gave birth to a child. "Billy". Billy was born

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