
Black Fish That We Are Overdue For An Eye Opening Revelation

Decent Essays

We tend to love our pets; we also love the zoos, aquariums and SeaWorld parks around the world. For many years the population has chosen to believe that the research and educational purposes of these outlets outweigh any of the negatives involved in keeping wild animals in captivity. Filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite shows us in her documentary Black Fish that we are overdue for an eye opening revelation that brings up the cruel and vicious tactics involved with the capture and training of wild animals for entertainment purposes. She uses facts, emotions, and ethics to inform the audience about the unknown secrets of SeaWorld’s biggest asset, Tilikum.
The director appeals to the audience logically by using facts from incidents that happened at the different Sea World parks across the nation, to the way the Killer Whales (Orcas) were abused psychologically and some cases of physical abuse from other whales and even to the way the Orcas are housed on the pod. One incident that is compelling is when one of the top Orca trainers of SeaWorld was killed. This speaks to the audience logically, because the whale is not the only party responsible for their actions. The documentary states: “that the Orcas are taken from their natural homes, the ocean.” (Cowperthwaite, 2013) This speaks to the audience, about the psychological damage to the Orca’s starts from the moment they are taken from their families from all over the world and placed in their new homes, which brings the abuse of

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