
Block Scheduling Pros And Cons

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Even though there might be several variations of block scheduling in schools, students who are involved with block scheduling see higher grades, better test results, and an overall better understanding of the material presented. Many school districts have found it challenging to make it through a traditional 6 to 8 periods per day. They claim the system just does not live up to it’s expectations. Many educators agree that there is hardly any time for students’ core classes along with electives. While other schools adapt their schedules, the majority of schools in The United States have adopted block scheduling. Although it is apparent, block scheduling is not the one perfect fix, but most agree it is a far better alternative. Block scheduling one of the best routines for teenage students; it …show more content…

When classes are longer students are given more time to actually think and actively engage in learning. Students who are on traditional scheduling, one short class after the next, tend to feel ‘the frantic assembly line environment.’ Come to think of it releasing hundreds, even thousands of young emotional adults in the hallways every 45 minutes for 5 minute passing periods could easily result in need for disciplinary action. Along with students, instructors also benefit from extended class periods; pedagogical time is more efficient because less time is lost for each class. "... many school districts have adopted 'block scheduling,' which is premised on teachers doing less lecturing and instead, engaging students in discussion, role-playing, and active learning pursuits, but which in practice, often amounts to teachers taking time off while their charges use the school day to do homework, watch films, or surf the Internet. Most teachers, after initial resistance, have come to love this innovation, since there is less class preparation time needed."

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