
Blueb Team Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

1. He/She is authentic and respectful to others on the Blueb team? Extremely Weak 1 Fairly Weak 2 Neutral 3 Fairly Strong 4 Extremely Strong 5 2. He/She supports teamwork of the Bluebs? Extremely Weak 1 Fairly Weak 2 Neutral 3 Fairly Strong 4 Extremely Strong 5 3. You feel good about their positive impact on others and the good they do for the Bluebs team. Extremely Weak 1 Fairly Weak 2 Neutral 3 Fairly Strong 4 Extremely Strong 5 4. He/She is sensitive to how their actions, ideas, or contributions will impact the workload of others on the Blueb team. Extremely Weak 1 Fairly Weak 2 Neutral 3 Fairly Strong 4 Extremely Strong 5 5. He/She explores differences with enthusiasm and welcome new ideas of all Blueb members? Extremely Weak 1 Fairly

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