
Bottlebrush Research Papers

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Bottlebrushes grow into shrubs or small trees. The Weeping Bottlebrush is the largest of the species, growing to 8m high. The Prickly Bottlebrush grows to a height of 2m-3m, and a spread of 3-4m. The Alpine Bottlebrush is found in altitudes of 900m to 2000m above sea level, however the seeds from higher altitudes take longer to grow. The shrubs in higher altitudes grow to 1m high, whereas in the lower altitudes the species can reach 3m.

The Prickly Bottlebrush has the smallest leaves, growing to1.5cm to 4cm and 1mm wide. The leaves of the Weeping Bottlebrush are lanceolate, and are 3mm to 6mm wide, and are 4cm to 7cm long. The Alpine Bottlebrush leaves are oblanceolate, growing to 1.5cm to 2.5cm in length, and 3mm wide.

The flower on the bottlebrush is dense and cylindrical flower spike, made up of individual flowers. The pistils, sepals and the five petals on the plant are hardly visible. The prominent feature of the bottlebrush is the stamen, which protrudes out of individual capsules on the stem. The Stamen of the Weeping Bottlebrush is all red, which is seen in image B, but the Prickly Bottlebrush has yellow anthers and red filaments, which is evident in image C. The Alpine Bottlebrush has a completely yellow flower, as seen in image A.

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They also flower longer than any other bottlebrush species, which means more opportunities to pollinate. It can tolerate smog, which allows it to thrive in urban areas.
Due to its location in the alpine regions, the Alpine Bottlebrush is able to withstand cold weather and frost, so if the temperature were to decrease, they could cope more easily.
The Prickly Bottlebrush can cope with poor drainage and grow well on either wet or dry

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