
Breastfeeding Pros And Cons

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mentioned the possible advantageous outcomes associated with exclusive breastfeeding. Prominently, health benefits for the infant and the mother serve as leading objective in breastfeeding argument. Although the correlations can be negligible, biomedical researchers consistently found that breast milk decreases gastrointestinal illness because of protective antibiotics that are passed from mother to infant. At the same time, exclusive breastfeeding not only lowers the chances of infections appeared in childhood such as diarrhea and ear infections, but also chronic diseases such as childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, and asthma. An equally significant aspect of breastfeeding benefits is the psychological effect on mothers. Since breastfeeding initiates a strong connection with the child, mothers often do not experience postpartum depression compared to mothers who breastfeed for a short period of time or who do not breastfeed at all. …show more content…

Evidently, not all biomedical researchers support breastfeeding, since researchers have found that HIV, alcohol, drugs and environmental toxins can be passed on from mother to child through breastfeeding.
I believe that spreading the idea of “doing what you think is the the best for the child” should replace the popular idea of “breast is best”. Mothers who cannot breastfeed due to serious limitations should seek public and medical support to understand that correlations that support breastfeeding do not mean natural milk will cause better health or higher IQ than formula milk.
The term of “Intensive Mothering” should not be applied to infancy stage because insufficient care and nurturing will have harmful and sometimes irreversible outcomes. Therefore, breastfeeding does not stem from intensive mothering because I believe newborn children should come first since it has no disadvantages in that particular

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