Based on the recommendation in the Breeden report, the company is highly likely to accomplish the objective in preventing financial fraud as well as enhancing accountability and transparency in the organization. Firstly, it is recommended that the company should have corporate cultures that align to the current ethical leadership models. The lack of charismatic leaders would not help in preventing unethical actions of the employees. Thus, the recommendations are useful in enhancing the elimination of unethical actions in the organization. The recommendations also encourages the organization diversify its sources of revenue. The company has largely dependent on the government contracts of its long term survival and revenues. This is a risky
An ethical audit is important to establish the company’s current weaknesses and strengths concerning how it conducts itself in an ethical manner. An ethics audit will involve evaluating the company’s standard of ethic, it ethic climate, and how well the company’s employees follow ethical standards. One of the first things to evaluate in an ethics audit is if a company has a written code of ethics and how comprehensive it is. Moreover, the written code of ethics should apply to everyone in the company from the top down with a clear zero tolerance policy in place for ethics violations. Included in a comprehensive ethics code should be a method for
In today’s 21st century, it takes good ethics for every company to strive competitively to maintain as the best top competitor in their industries; and has its provocations of smart goal as to how successfully they anticipate their business to function, when it comes to finances, attracting and recruiting employees, begin an admirable corporation to citizens, and while showing customers and employees love, courteous, and appreciation. Companies forestall unethical behavior of bad reputation to uphold the organization values. These atrocious speculations can permanently cause decreased revenues and will degrade the company name, sometimes irreparably damaged.
The key risks that the company faces are economic conditions, competition, key employees, suppliers, availability of credit, financial risks, business continuity, revenue dependence, cost saving, leased property portfolio, as well as, some other minor risks. The amount of risks faced by the company is high, and the realization of those risks is a good possibility in light of the performance of the company.
• Due to the long term contracts from the government it is impacting the company’s cash flow in a negative trend.
Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma.
It has been a serious process for many organizations to raise capital which automatically has business and financial risks involved.
The author Robert Solomon argues that ethics has to an integral part with regard to business management. He does not believe that business management must include unethical or illegal methods to be able to succeed. Solomon preaches that business management is not as simple as obtaining revenue. “Businesses need to abide by fair policies and their owners have to be ethical in dealing with their customers” (Shaw p. 37). The author acknowledges that while illegal practices in business management could bring positive results at first, eventually the business is bound to fail. This is why Solomon recommended eight important policies that can help businesses in integrating ethics into their operations.
This is a very corrupt action in many means because the government can't help every company.
Every government is subject to political pressure and finding a consensus between political and financial aims is difficult. In practice, some choices may not further the company 's long-term development.
Unfortunately, companies are vulnerable to political risks that can affect them negatively. Chavez was a political leader who controlled a whole country, controlled the media and promised equity without thinking on the economy risk and financial health of his own country. As an executive of Cargill, I would constantly evaluate and monitor how the
It is only during moral lapses and corporate scandals that interest groups and the broader public ask themselves the fundamental ethical questions, who are the managers of the organization and were they acting with the ethical guidelines. For a long time, the issue of ethics was largely ignored, with organizations focusing on profit maximization. However, this has changed, and much attention is now focused on ethics management by researchers and leaders. The issue of ethics has arisen at a time when public trust on corporate governance is low, and the legitimacy of leadership is being questioned. Leaders are expected to be the source of moral development and ethical guidance to their employees.
There are stories around the world about corruption and unethical leadership; these stories often make headlines in newspapers, magazines, and televised news programming. There is an abundance of immorality in the workplace; at the scale is at, it should be considered a plague. It runs rampant in all forms of business, in white collar crime and blue collar crime. White collar crime itself is the practice and history of unethical and inauthentic leadership in the professional world. Thus, while the direct and superficial focus is authentic leadership and behavioral integrity, the
For any corporation or organization both the situation and culture of the group are critical in evaluating the possibility for unethical behavior. Confidence in both the brand and the integrity of the organization provide additional revenue opportunities and confidence in the service and products. To paraphrase economist Milton Friedman “the only acceptable corporate responsibility is the enhancement of revenues that will allow higher profits back to shareholders, who may then reinvest according to their individual values”. (Arguments from Dead
The purpose or aim of every organization is to establish such an organizational culture and behavior among its employees that helps in achievement of ideal ethical standards. There are certain determinants that play a critical role in helping achieve the right organizational culture. Some of these include personal moral intensity, social ties, codes of ethics, locus of control and Machiavellianism. These
Every organization also has a profession responsibility to conduct business honestly and ethically. Our readings reported, “Experts estimated that U.S. companies lose about $600 billion a year from unethical and criminal behavior” Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). The organization could avoid having ethical issues by meeting the