
Bud Light Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

In Bud Light’s advertisement for Bud Light Lime-a lime flavored beer-they use persuasive techniques by depicting a giant beer bottle on a sunny island and attractive females around it with the slogan, “Dive into some lime and you’ll have a good time,” in order to get people to purchase their product. The three main persuasive techniques are called: logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos is an appeal to logic as a method of persuasion by reason, while pathos is an appeal to emotion in order to persuade. Lastly, ethos is persuasion by way of ethics and presentation of character. The advertisement for Bud Light Lime includes two of the previously mentioned techniques. The Bud Light advertisement uses pathos and ethos to persuade potential consumers into buying Bud Light Lime. First, they use pathos by showing the sunny island and mentioning “you’ll have a good time”. This shows pathos because sunny days and islands are associated with happiness to most people and this idea is further back up by the promise of fun. Second, ethos is used by having attractive women next to the bottle. By doing this, Bud Light is implying that …show more content…

For this reason, the text on the original ad has been changed to read, “Dive into some lime and you’ll have regret”. The text has been changed to such because alcohol consumption in excess can cause complications like liver disease, nerve damage, and strokes. However, the damage can also extend to one’s mental state by causing depression and anxiety. Lastly, when someone is inebriated they tend to do things they normally wouldn't do, like endanger themselves by driving recklessly or become violent to others- actions that can also be detrimental to one's physical and mental health. Consequently, the three main persuasion techniques were also used in the changed

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