
Building And Evaluating Experiential Learning Mechanisms

Decent Essays

Building and evaluating experiential learning mechanisms requires a deep understanding of not only general learning theory, but also the principal ways in which material can be taught to students. According to authors of Effective Instruction for Stem Disciplines: From Learning Theory to College Teaching, there are numerous traditional learning methods that are important for our background. The first, which they call study-based, is based on student focus on materials, without a strong active component. For most students, especially those of younger ages, this likely occurs most at home, where students independently study for traditional examinations. The second traditional learning method, retrieval, they describe as the conversion of study-based learning into an active learning method. Retrieval encourages students to practice accessing information—to make it so regular—that using it in later informational synthesis is already simple. The third traditional learning method, which they call schema-building, is learning based on situational practice, ensuring that students can appropriate handle the real-life aspects and applications of a concept (Mastascusa et al., 2011).
Unfortunately, these traditional methods of learning are not always indicative of modern, dynamic education. More modern learning techniques provide students with a far more interactive experience. In one such method, students combine the first and third aforementioned traditional study methods. Students

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