
Project Based Instruction : A Great Match For Informational Texts By Nell K. Duke Essay

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“Those who have characterized instruction tasks express dismay about the focus on low-level facts and skills and the omnipresence of worksheets in American classrooms” (Blumefeld, 1991, p. 370). Whenever I think about my own educational experiences, I remember thinking how what I was learning in school was separate from the outside world. Oftentimes this made learning difficult as I found myself finding the topics uninteresting and wondering if I would ever use this information in real life. I constantly tried to learn new information through route memorization and struggled with remembering information that I had previously “learned”.
The article “Project-Based Instruction: A Great Match for Informational Texts” by Nell K. Duke, discusses the concept of implementing project based learning and how it can markedly improve student’s education. According to Duke, project based instruction involves “working over an extended time period for a purpose beyond satisfying a school requirement” (Duke 2016). This includes doing projects in order to “build something, to create something, to respond to a question [students] have, or to solve a real problem” (Duke 2016). The article maintains the benefits of this type of instruction and includes specific examples of how it can be implemented in the school curriculum and Common Core State Standards. Duke also emphasizes how the projects should serve a real- life purpose so students can feel more engaged knowing their work will be seen by

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