
Bullying Is Not The Right

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Have you been in a public place while a child is screaming and misbehaving? Multiples times during my life I have encountered this situation in which the child wants to stay in the place or he wants something that it has been denied for the mother. This situation makes me think about why this child is misbehaving like that, and why parents are unable to find a correct solution in those moments. I can see the shame in those parent’s faces and I can perceive how uncomfortable can be this situation. Some people might think that the child has right to express himself in that way, and he needs to get what he wants. Other people could agree with the mother’s attitude who is ignoring his request. I strongly agree with the mother, she is ignoring the child’s attitude because misbehavior is not the correct way to ask for anything. If she gives him what he wants, he is learning an easy way to get his problems solved. It is probable this shameful situation is going to repeat over and over again if the mother doesn’t ignore his misbehavior. She will wait until the child remains calm, and she will explain to him what he was doing wrong. In this case, the mother is acting as an authoritative parent which I believed is the most effective parenting style.
The parents are the main influential factor in children’s education. They can proportionate the principals elements to grow responsible as well behave children, and whose could fit better in society reaching success in their personal and

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