
Business Assignment

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“You can 't do today 's job with yesterday 's methods and be in business tomorrow”
Organisations and Management

Contents Page:

Introduction: Page 2

Management Functions: Page 3

POLC: Page 4, 5, 6 and 7

Management Styles: Page 8, 9 and 10

Change of Management Style: Page 11

Traits for Carl: Page 12

Weekly Review and Interview: Page 13, 14, 15 and 16

Bibliography: Page 17

1.0 Introduction:
The five elements of a …show more content…

Strategic planning looks at the bigger picture and concentrations more on long term objectives and consider complex and long range issues. (Managment , 2012)
Hume believes that without planning the property would come to a complete stop and the business would suffer dramatically. Hume’s job as Manager and Director of the business involves a lot of planning; Hume plans all three categories the strategic, tactical and operational. Hume’s plans the night before work, he sits down to plan the work for the next day. Planning the night before gives him more time to think about what needs to be done and is a lot more effective than on the spot. Planning is a huge part of Hume’s job, if it isn’t done right and effectively he has employees that are standing around and don’t know what to do. Examples of the planning that Hume does are: Operational= plan musters, checking waters and feeding of stock. Tactical= the sale of the animals, fencing times and purchase of equipment. Strategic= Land prices and overall business performance.
People who don’t plan are a lot less organised and that leads me to the next role of management. 3.2 Organising (O)
Organising is a management function concerning assigning tasks and allocating resources to departments. Organising also involves determining the way the business will function, giving authority and responsibility to specific people. Determining how much staff input

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