“You can 't do today 's job with yesterday 's methods and be in business tomorrow”
Organisations and Management
Contents Page:
Introduction: Page 2
Management Functions: Page 3
POLC: Page 4, 5, 6 and 7
Management Styles: Page 8, 9 and 10
Change of Management Style: Page 11
Traits for Carl: Page 12
Weekly Review and Interview: Page 13, 14, 15 and 16
Bibliography: Page 17
1.0 Introduction:
The five elements of a
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Strategic planning looks at the bigger picture and concentrations more on long term objectives and consider complex and long range issues. (Managment , 2012)
Hume believes that without planning the property would come to a complete stop and the business would suffer dramatically. Hume’s job as Manager and Director of the business involves a lot of planning; Hume plans all three categories the strategic, tactical and operational. Hume’s plans the night before work, he sits down to plan the work for the next day. Planning the night before gives him more time to think about what needs to be done and is a lot more effective than on the spot. Planning is a huge part of Hume’s job, if it isn’t done right and effectively he has employees that are standing around and don’t know what to do. Examples of the planning that Hume does are: Operational= plan musters, checking waters and feeding of stock. Tactical= the sale of the animals, fencing times and purchase of equipment. Strategic= Land prices and overall business performance.
People who don’t plan are a lot less organised and that leads me to the next role of management. 3.2 Organising (O)
Organising is a management function concerning assigning tasks and allocating resources to departments. Organising also involves determining the way the business will function, giving authority and responsibility to specific people. Determining how much staff input
People should be in control of their own plans and the planning process is a key way of ensuring that they are at the centre of any support provided.” (Nolan, 156)
It also forms part of good business ethics and is good practice to keep people up to date at all times when things change or need to be changed. Failing to do so can result in other peoples work plans being out of sync.
Non- electronic communication involves the distribution of a message usually in the form of: Reports, Letters, Flow Charts, Invoices and even Verbal Communication amongst employees. This form of communicating is not as popular as it once was, but it provides businesses with other avenues to communicate instead of electronic communication. Furthermore, different types of communication suit contrasting businesses in addition to, the preference of people involved within a business.
Organizing: this is the management function of gathering and coordinating the different systems and departments to function properly and benefit the financial situation of the organization.
Strategic planning can dictate the success of any organization if properly planned as well as the failure of an organization if not implemented as planned. Strategic planning is all about making choices. It is a process designed to support leaders in being intentional about their goals and methods. Simply stated, strategic planning is a management tool, and like any management tool, it is used for one purpose only—to help an organization do a better job. This portion of the strategic plan will explain why an
1. (TCO 7) At Lakeside Manufacturing, budgets are the responsibility of everyone. Each department collaborates in determining its expected needs, and sales personnel determine the likely sales volume. Al Talbott, one of the production managers, believes in building plenty of slack into everything, including his estimates of ending inventory of work in process. As the accounting manager, write a memo to Mr. Talbott, explaining why the ending inventory figure should be extremely accurate, with as little slack as possible. (Points : 20)
Organisations must organise a structure so that their objectives can be achieved. A company will have different departments and procedures with each one having a special function. All of these organised departments and procedures are linked so the company can run efficiently. For many organisation this can be very complex has they will have offices in international countries around the world.
I have heard about censorship many times, but did I ever think about it seriously? No! Censorship is a suppression of speech or other public communication that is considered objectionable, harmful, or sensitive as determined by the government. It involves content that is harmful to the public and children who can easily watch the harmful subject through one click. Censorship can be on the largest level or on a local level where one could want to control only one community or a person. The government makes some laws that dictate how a person or a government cannot abuse any rights or freedoms. In democratic countries, people have rights to express their feelings and freedom of speech. So the question here is weather censorship
Glaister, K, W and Falshaw, J, R, 1999, ‘Strategic planning still going strong’, Long Range Planning,
36). Today, the increased attention for strategic planning is a response to rapid and extensive changes in society such as the introduction of market economies and privatization, increasing environmental awareness, more attention for sustainable development, decentralisation issues and structural adjustments in public spending (Davidson, 1996).
Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision-makers to understand the challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to a
Top managers develop long-range plans, called strategic plans that define the company's overall mission and goals. Strategic planning focuses more on issues that affect the company's future survival and growth. To develop strategic plan, top managers also need information from outside the company, such as economic forecasts, technology trends, competitive threats, governmental issues and shareholder concerns.
Planning is considered to be a primary function of management. All organisations operate in a complex, dynamic and competitive business environment, and therefore, have to plan their actions without which they may not be able to survive.
Strategic planning involves making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies and how the organization decides to implement their goals (Bateman, Snell, Konopaske, pg. 113). Strategies help organizations to have a clear perspective on how to go about accomplishing the goals they have in place. All organizations have a clear vision of what their mission and purpose as a company is, they know how to fulfill the mission, vision, and purpose and they know how to ensure that they accomplish all their goals. However, the route the organization takes to define these things determines how effective they will be.
2. Organising – A manager needs to organise her/his team and materials according to her/his plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organising. A manager is responsible for organising staff, resources, tool and work schedules to achieve the organisations set goals and objectives.