
Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery Plan

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Any organization in the world to remain on the safe must strictly implement business continuity and disaster recovery plan. Numerous individuals think that a disaster recovery plan is the same as a business continuity plan, however a DR plan concentrates on restoring IT framework and operations after an emergency. It 's just one piece of a complete business continuity plan, whereas business continuity plan looks at the continuity of the whole organization. Table 1 Differences between key terms Risk management Emergency response Business continuity What could happen? What if it happened? What next? Identify hazards and opportunities. Assess impact and likelihood. Make risk decision Implement controls Stabilize conditions following a risk event and minimize negative effects Reestablish sufficient services to permit continued mission essential operations following a risk event. 1) What are the best practices for effectively implementing BUSINESS CONTINUITY and DISASTER RECOVERY plan? The onset of a disaster is not an ideal time to plan. Only, few organizations take a proactive position, from the CEO on down, making Business Continuity a daily need for the whole association (Christian, n.d.). The procedure includes administration, IT, operations, logistics, HR, sales and marketing all cooperating to add to an integrated arrangement, giving everybody a stake in that plan’s success. ("Best practices in business continuity", n.d.). However, lack of proper planning might

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