
Group Interview Paper

Good Essays

Before I provide some insight to the individual I interviewed, I want to mention that I work as a Business Analyst for an automotive software company called Tail Light. We provide various desktop and mobile applications and an On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) device to automobiles. Our users range from personally at dealerships to the consumer who is purchasing the vehicle. Our DevOps team consist of four individuals who provide expertise in various aspects of our technology and we attempt to bridge the gap between legacy and new products. Our IT personnel is a unique bunch of gentlemen. They laugh at our expense as we, being the user, make the network the most vulnerable. Their area is filled with comic cut-outs of Dilbert and funny innuendoes …show more content…

You must stay aware of not only those but the industry trends on how to deal with them and what’s effective. You must get educated on the hardware and tools you’ve got. Whether learning on your own or with instructor-led training, you need to have a solid networking foundation and a clear understanding of all 7 layers of the OSI model. For Security, you build off of that foundation through familiarity with attack vectors and hours of poring over vulnerability notices and mitigation plans. You can’t just learn this through book reading. Jeff found that hands-on experience is best because books tend to describe ideal-state situations. In his 25 years of IT work, that was rarely the case. He never experienced setting up a networking from a “tabula rasa” state and more often than not he was either trying to clean up someone else’s mess or trying to make the old hardware work to align with new business constraints. For him, the first part of his career was configuring a network according to someone else’s vision of how the network needs to be set up to meet those business needs. The best way to strive in this industry is to ‘GET A MENTOR’. I bold this to emphasize his importance on this. Finding someone out there that knows more about networking or the network you are working on is pivotal. Learn from them, go to the area user’s groups and make some new friends and exchange ideas. He was surprised at how much he picked up from veterans and how willing they usually

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