
Business Partners Of Elizabeth 's Fashion

Satisfactory Essays

Purpose of the Report
This project will provide the information about project charter to the C.E.O and other business partners of Elizabeth’s Fashion regarding to Australian retail market. Provided report will give best ideas and planning strategy to the customers which will improve their shopping experience with advance technologies. Furthermore it will provide the best connections of directors to the retail deal. So, construction of precise project charter can lead to the success of the project.
Key Findings
According to proper investigation, it has been noticed that the rising use of online offer deals with the company, the physical retail market suffered a lot and closed their five stores at the end of 2015. Due to that this pilot project launched which helps to provide technological systems and infrastructure to the retailing market which will be inaugurate to Sydney flagship store.
Key Issues or Impacts
With the help of pilot project, they will reconstruct the Sydney flagship store. The organization will catch the profit at long term and get their customers back. The benefit will go up till 50% by 2019 and company will open 7 new retail stores by mid-2021.
Project will give new aspects to the retail market which will contain the time line and budget as per document. Newly changes will be noticed in report before the initiation.

Signatory Page

Elizabeth Allan, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Elaine Joyce, Chief Technology Officer

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