
Business Plan Essay

Decent Essays

Halverson’s Construction, we specialize in platform concrete. My main goal is to keep your concrete looking good and last a long time through the years. I’ve worked on concrete for 5 years now and I will put my knowledge into good, hard work. I take any suggestions on how customers would like it to be and will try to make it work out the way my customers want it. Every house owner deserves the best work done to their house, sidewalk or driveways.
My business will be a sole proprietorship. I wanted to run this business on my own, because I like doing my own work. I want everything to be my responsibility. I’ve been in the construction industry for 5 years now. During this time, I have experienced many difficult jobs. You can count on my …show more content…

My company would be backed up with my personal belongings like my house, car, anything expensive that may help pay it off. If my revenue fails, I would try to figure out what the problem is and learn from it. Accrual accounting will be the road I take, because I couldn’t afford paying cash. I would have 4 employees with worries of picking up unethical workers. I will be sure to hire the best workers to get the job done right. I will have insurance for fire, natural disasters, and robbery. The insurance will cover my staff and inventory as well.
My concrete business targets adults of any age to do their concrete work. Other concrete companies will be my competitors. Trying to work together with other big companies could get tricky. My average costumers could be anyone, I more than likely won’t have an average costumer unless they are in need concrete. The only average costumers would be other contractors if I decide to work with another company by doing the concrete at the houses they are building. I would like to advertise by using social media, newspapers, and billboards. I would go to non-profitable events to donate for good causes like a local school, homeless, and many more.
Prices will vary a lot. We will price our concrete at $95 per cubic yard. There will be a fee of about $60 per load for delivery added on with the concrete cost. Labor cost is $36 per hour. For most average drive-ways it would cost around

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