
Influences Of English In Business

Better Essays

INTRODUCTION All over the world, english can be considered as an official language of businesses. It is very important for the individuals to fluently speak or atleast understand english in order to survive in the corporate environment. The students of Arellano University enrolled in English 12 which is Business English conducted a research about effectivity of Business English, This study speaks to the importance of understanding the different influences of English in business life. English is the most common language for the communication of a variety of information, including academic and scientific news. Many organizations use English as the official language of communications. Popular business resources, like the Wall Street Journal, …show more content…

It is essential that you maintain a professional composure when producing business documents to create the correct image: It is almost certain that people will not take you seriously if you use colloquial language and incorrect rules. Make sure that you give the right impression of your company or business with effective business writing. The correct application of your knowledge of the rules of the English language and the aforementioned guidelines will yield Effective Business Writing you may use to produce your business documents. This is especially important if you wish to distribute your business documents to third parties such as the government, clients, shareholders, employees, or others who may need to read such business documents in accordance with the laws and regulations governing your business. Reports and other like documents are necessary for taxation purposes or financial purposes and are often required under various laws. Effective Business Writing is hardly a skill you can do without when running or managing your own company. Most people choose to hire other individuals to generate reports and other business documents , but you can do as good a job with just a little hard work. Apply the correct

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