
CQR Assessment System: A Case Study

Decent Essays

The United States District Court authorized the ARRT to seize control of the review company in 2008, because of the 250,000 dollar judgment against the company (Renner, 2009). The company lost everything because of copy right infringement, because the exam and the questions in the exam are the property of ARRT. This is a very serious verdict and on the surface might seem too extreme, but what the review company did was incredibly damaging to the ARRT. The examination that is offered by the ARRT for licensure is 200 questions long and pulls its questions from a bank of questions. This bank of questions used year after year allows the ARRT to have consistency in the exam’s difficulty and allows the process to be fair because participants …show more content…

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It is our responsibility as medical professionals to put the patients and their safety first and ensure that quality care is given to them by qualified professionals. The second part of the ARRT Standard of Ethics is the rules of ethics, which are mandatory rules that are required to hold certification and registration in the profession of radiology. These rules state again that candidates are not allowed to sell the questions on the exam, disclosing information on the exam, and copying down information on the exam (ARRT, 2015). The participants who provided information to the review company were in violation of all these mandatory rules and by doing so made themselves ineligible for certification or registration into the profession. This is a serious punishment for a serious ethics violation. The high standards that the ARRT has for the profession is made clear and there to protect patients and ensure qualified professionals with a foundation of professional values are providing that quality care to patients. Not only were the participants who provided information at fault, but also the candidates who bought that

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