
Caco3 And Hydrochloric Acid Lab Report

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The theory to separate NaCl of the other components of first extraction because NaCl is “one component that is soluble in specific added solvents” which is water in this project. Then filtrate is used to separate the solid Nacl from the water. If done correctly, after filtrate the water should return clear into beaker 2. This is a physical change because when salt is added to water they make saltwater. This is done because once heated and the water is evaporated it ends up being a white substance which is the salt because the heat only removed the water. The filter paper after the first extraction contained SiO2. To separate SiO2 and CaCO3 they used a chemical method because they were trying to separate the substances from one another which created a supernatant liquid and a residue. …show more content…

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) = H2O(l) + CO2(g) + CaCl2(aq). This caused a bubbling reaction to occur to CaCO3 because the compound was changed to CaCl2. The name of the supernatant liquid that was in the evaporating dish with the sand after the chemical reaction took place was CaCl2. To remove the supernatant liquid from the evaporating dish they decant as much of the liquid as possible into beaker 1 and the evaporating dish was placed on top of a beaker of boiling hot water until the SiO2 was completely dry. Chemical 2M K2CO3 was added to the supernatant liquid after it was decant into the beaker and boiled for 5 minutes. This chemical was added to CaCl2 because the residue it leaves behind is CaCO3. CaCl2(aq) + K2Co3(aq) = 2 KCl(aq) +

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