In this design report, the the calculations needed to create precisely two grams of precipitate from a reaction has been determined. 4 grams of water was added to the 2.94 grams of Calcium Chloride, and 10 grams of water was added to the 2.12 grams of Sodium Carbonate in an attempt to create two grams of precipitate. The final mass of the Calcium Chloride and Sodium Carbonate was 2.037 grams, resulting in a percent error of 1.85%. The class data was not collected, therefore a class average cannot be calculated; however a percent error of only 1.85% is extremely good, considering the amount of data discrepancies possible based on human error alone. The experiment had to be run a total of four times, because of error. The first error came as
The small percent error tells us that our group was not too far off with our method of finding out the number of beans in the jar. Our reason for error would be not having a wide enough range for bean weight. With a small range of bean weight, we were not able to completely calculate the best average for a weight of a bean. This estimate of average bean weight is what caused our estimate to be close but still incorrect. Our method of finding our estimate of beans were like other teams. All the other teams used mass to try and figure out the estimated number. The other teams percent errors were 2.49% , 7.36% and 5.07% most teams found the average weight of their beans sample and used it to determine the number of beans. To continue, one idea for improving our results is instead of using the mass method, use the volume to figure out the number of beans. I would also try and improve our method by using a larger range of single bean weights. This wider range would provide a more accurate average weight of a
As a group, we obtained our salt mixture of calcium chloride and potassium oxalate, and weighed the mixture. We were able to make an aqueous solution from the mixture and distilled water. We boiled and filtered off the solution, leaving the precipitate. Once the precipitate was dried overnight, it was weighed and the mass was measured. Then we calculated the moles of the precipitate.
We then proceeded in testing for excess Ca2+ by adding two drops of .5 M K2C2O4 to test tube two and attentively observed to see if a precipitate formed, which it did. This meant that Ca2+ was in excess and C2O42- was the limiting reactant in the original salt mixture. We then cleaned up. Upon returning to our next class, we took the filter paper, with the precipitate on it, and took its mass.
The purpose of this experiment was to separate the component of three mixtures sand, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate then calculate the percentage by mass of each component recovered from the mixture. The other purpose of this experiment was to show us the students the concepts associated with physical and chemical properties of substances.
The excess reactant was Na3PO4, which produced 7x10^-4 moles of the precipitate Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O. From the limiting reactant, the theoretical yield was calculated by converting moles of Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O obtained into grams. The calculated theoretical yield was 0.869 g Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O. The actual yield of the product was 0.157 g Cu3(PO4)2.3H2O. The calculated percent yield was about 18.067%. The obtained actual yield was lower than the calculated theoretical yield.
However, we must perform some analysis on this data to confirm that the results for our class really are significantly different from the average. To do this, we performed a chi-square analysis on our data. Our chi-square value is 14.733, and the degrees of freedom are 6. The resulting p-value falls between 0.05 and 0.02. Therefore, we conclude that the data from our class indeed does not fit the average.
The pre-test helped us decide the exact details of our experiment. We started off with testing 25cm³ of 3-molar hydrochloric acid to 2g of calcium carbonate medium size chips (we decided a medium size chips before we started our pre-test as we had a choice of 3, small, medium, large). We saw that this reacted too quickly as we used 10 second intervals and we couldn't get 6 results this is because our burette could only hold 100cm³ of water, which would make our results reliable. We then decreased the amount of Calcium Carbonate to 1g and kept the same 25cm³ of 3 molar hydrochloric acid and 10 second intervals. We could get the right amount of results of this, so we then tested the other extreme - the lowest molarity.
The volume of carbon dioxide gas produced from a reaction was measured in order to determine what carbonate sample was used. A gas assembly apparatus was used to capture the gas from a reaction between an unknown carbonate and 6M hydrochloric acid; three trials were performed. The mass of the unknown carbonate was determined, and the reaction occurred in a test tube. The volume of gas produced by the reaction was measured, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was calculated after the partial pressure of water vapor was determined using Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures. The percent mass of carbon dioxide gas was then calculated, and the average mass percent was compared to the table of known carbonates. It was concluded that the unknown carbonate sample used in the reaction was magnesium carbonate.
Calcium, often called the body's building block, is needed to develop strong, healthy bones and teeth. In some cases, pediatricians may recommend calcium supplements.
6. The precipitate may have not dried up properly making it so there was water adding weight on it.
We need to find the standard deviation of the data in order to calculate how far your information is from the average calculation. This can be helpful if you want to find the error
|5ml of soap solution to heated permanent hard water and shaken. |Formation of curd. |
The class will be divided into 6 groups of 4 according to ability. Based on the pre-test data, the groups will be identified as high ability, average and low ability. High achieving students will be those who have demonstrated ability in 8 or more of the 11 fraction topics in the pre-test. The low achievers will be those students who showed they were competent in 4 or less topics, while the average students will be those who achieved 5 to 7 of the topics covered in the pre-test. The 6 groups will be comprised of 2 groups with students identified as having low ability, 2
The Quantitative data was analysed using each student individualised tests and the percentages were calculated of tally marks on a chart. Out of the 27 students in the class, 26 students answered all the questions. A couple of the student put dashes where they could not answer the question or did not know the answer. A couple of the boys refused to do the tests properly. When each testing took place, it was noticed that there was a real possibility that the results did not accurately reflect what occurred as many of the student were either absent due to illness or away on school business on the days when each test was conducted.
Calcium Hydroxide, or simply known as hydrated lime serves many functions like reducing the acidity in soil or lakes, an additive in cement, a raw material for mortar, cleaning agents.