
Calorimeter Lab

Decent Essays

The purpose of this lab is to find most efficient way to capture energy from a combusted chip using a calorimeter. We made a basic calorimeter by using a steel can. Throughout our lab we made modifications to the calorimeter to increase the percent of energy captured by the water. Energy is the ability to do work or the ability to move or produce change in matter (Castro). Energy is always conserved; it cannot be destroyed or created. When a ball is flying through the air it has kinetic energy. It has ability to do work and to act with other object when it hits another figure. Kinetic energy is energy that is in motion or is doing work. A cup sitting on a table has potential energy. If you knock the cup off the table gravity will …show more content…

Electromagnetic waves are similar to ocean waves (ScienceNASA). The vibrations of charged particles produce the waves. Long electromagnetic waves such as radio waves have the lowest frequency, and carry less frequency. Gamma rays have the shortest and highest energy waves (ScienceNASA). Frequency is the number of waves that pass in a certain amount of time. It is usually measured as the number of wave cycles per second; Hertz (Hz) (Lucas). Adding energy increases the frequency, and makes the wavelengths shorter (ScienceNASA). Wavelength is the distance between the peaks of a wave; meters (Lucas). The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into seven main categories. The categories are radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultra-violet, x-ray, and gamma ray. Visible Light is the only one we can see with the human eye. The speed of light is 186,282 miles per second …show more content…

We can determine the nature of reaction from the sign of DH. It is completely independent of whether the reaction takes place in a series of steps or all at once, this is know as Hess’ Law. Some reactions give off so much energy that they are explosive, and some only give off a little bit of heat. Other reactions don’t take place until we add heat from the surroundings (Enthalpy). Calorimetry is the science connected with determining the changes in energy of a system by measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings (The Physics Classroom). So if the mass of water and the temperature change of the water in the coffee cup calorimeter can be measured, the quantity of energy gained or lost by the water can be calculated (The Physics Classroom). The equation to find it is Q = m•°C•ΔT

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