
Campus Watch Case

Satisfactory Essays

Last night at 8:53 PM the Campus Watch received a call from Luther Seminary Library circulation desk concerning a woman who wanted to see the Campus Watch to report an incident her 12-year-old daughter encountered on her way back home from library that night. The Campus Watch team on duty (Kim and I) immediately arrived at Gullixson to meet with the woman who told us that she and her family live across the Seminary on Como Avenue and indicated that she frequently uses the Luther Seminary Library in the evenings. She further states that around 8:30 PM, her daughter, who was also at the seminary library, was walking home alone when an unidentified person attacked her from the back grabbing her shoulders and trying to reach her pockets. The girl, according to this woman, fought back and fled the scene (somewhere between the Gulixson Parking lot and Como Avenue) to return to her mother at the Luther Seminary Library. …show more content…

While we were still talking to the woman, the police arrived at the Luther Seminary Gullixson Hall and took the woman and her daughter to one of the class rooms for private conversation. After a while, police returned to the Campus Watch team (sending the woman and her daughter home) to indicate to us that the girl is neither harmed nor inappropriately touched and no property was stolen from her. Police further told us that they advised the woman to report anything her daughter might want to disclose at a later time. Moreover, police concluded that the situation, at least for the time being, does not constitute a crime and asked the Campus Watch to report if they see suspicious persons on

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