Can a potato generate electricity To discover if a potato can generate electricity. I believe that a potato can be able to generate electricity. To make this experiment you will need a potato, copper nail, galvanized nail, 2 wires, and a light bulb.To start this expirement we will need to put the two nails on the potato and tie the each wire on each nail. Then tie the two wires to the light
Moreover, the demonstration in the article “Energy Story” was, the example shown in the article of what an atom is made up of was very detailed it showed electrons spinning around the nucleus, of atoms, in the same way the moon spins around the earth. Furthermore, the demonstration in “Conducting Solutions” the experiment that the article wrote was astonishing. The articles experiment contained water and salt and it explained how when a table of salt in water would dissolve only because the solution conducts very well because the solution contains ions and the ions come from the table of salt. Nevertheless, the clip ““Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits” experiment that was shown was she was showing with homemade playdough created an example on how to create a circuit through play dough. Ms. Thomas was also talking about how if you put two pieces of sugar dough it has one hundred and fifty times more resistance than the salt dough she used. If you put a piece of salt dough in the middle than that’s when the led would work because to resistance substances won’t make it work but the one that has less resistance
In the video "Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits" talked about how play dough that you can make at home that it can conduct electricity.
Ben Franklin was a very curious and inventive thinker. He kept thinking about different ways to experiment with electricity so he came up with an experiment with only a few materials (wire,mobile kite, handkerchief,and two sticks).(”Benjamin Franklin and Electricity”) Franklin
Trim the skin off with a knife (Try to make them all the same width.)
In this video it shows you how you can use the things that are something your children play with and are commonly bought things to create your own electricity. The lady in the video was using two types of playdough’s that she has made on her own. She made a salt dough, and also a dough including sugar rather than salt. When you put the two salt pieces’ together and a sugary piece in between, you can create electricity. The purpose of this video is to tell everyone about how you can conduct your own electricity and to explain how it can be used more simply than you think. It is not all about atoms and all of those substances. You can create electricity with what you have in your own house. She tested the playdough’s by putting an LED light in the salty pieces on the outside. If they touch the light will go out, but if you place a piece of sugary dough in between the two, you can leave the light on and it will stay on.
There were no qualitative changes to the potato that could be detected by the five senses after the cubes were taken out of the water
This experiment doesn’t seem very difficult to solve, as the main thing that you have to do is test other people’s thoughts. The resource which would be needed would be beanbags with different amount of beans in them, which may have been difficult cost wise.
However one beaker received 100 mL of Deionized water with a molarity of 0.0. Afterwards a cork borer was pushed through the potato and was twisted back and forth. Once the borer was filled it was removed from the potato. Pushing the potato cylinder out of the borer, this this step was repeated six more times in order to get seven undamaged potato cylinders. Using a sharp razor blade, the potato cylinders were both cut to a uniform length of about 5cm, and were removed of their potato skins. The potato pieces were also cut in half to give the cells a greater surface area in which it was easier to absorb the solution. After the cylinders were weighed on a balance and the data was recorded in Table 4. Using the razor blade each potato was cut lengthwise into two long halves. Then the potato pieces were transferred to the water beaker and the time they were submerged was recorded. This step was repeated for all potato cylinders in which the pieces were placed in solutions 0.1 to 0.6 M. The potatoes were incubated for ninety minutes. At the end of the incubation period the time was recorded. Then the potato piece was removed form the first sample. Next potato pieces were weighed the and the final weight was recorded in Table 4. This procedure was repeated until all samples had been weighed and recorded in the chronological order they were initially placed in the test solution. Afterwards the table was completed by recording the
← The human that carries out the experiment should be cautious not to touch the lamp with wet hands since it uses electricity.
Using different sizes of potato could show us whether the concentration of enzyme affect the rate of reaction. However, this would not be a practical independent variable as the S.A to volume ratio would not be proportional and the size of the potato to get significant results would be very hard to change. It would be very hard to cut the potato tubers to exact measurements and that could lead to the results becoming inaccurate. An option could be to cut the potato tube into small 1 cm bits and pile then up on top of each other in the test tube, but this again would prove to be impractical as then not all of the surface area of the potato would be exposed to the substrate and this would make my results unreliable. It may also prove to be impractical as having the tuber bits piled on top of each
First I gather all my materials needed for the experiment (see materials list). Second I peel and slice potatoes weigh each potato in grams. Get these slices to weigh the same in mass because if they vary to much in mass that could affect the results of the experiment. Third I place each potato in its own beaker. Fourth once the potatoes are placed in beakers I make sure to place enough solution to fully cover the potato. Each beaker should have a different amount of
Background Students had been taught ‘Electrochemistry’ as outlined in the IB Chemistry syllabus. Investigation Design an experiment that allows you to investigate a variable affecting the rate of electroplating. Your research question must be focussed and specific and must enable you to carry out your experiment safely and within the allocated time. Safety Show your research question to your teacher. Complete a safety hazard assessment before writing a full plan (a + b). Ensure your teacher approves this. Experiment If your plan is safe you will be allowed
Cut the potatoes using a cork borer approximately 5cm in length and 1cm in diameter. Using the appropriate tool cut the potatoes into cylinder form measuring the cylinders with a ruler.
In 1752 Franklin devised another experiment to test if lighting has an electrical charge. He flied a kite carrying a pointed wire in a thunderstorm and attempted to test his theory that atmospheric lightning is an electrical phenomenon similar to the spark produced by an electrical frictional machine (Bruno 406). To
The potato seems to us today to be such a staple food that it is hard to believe that it has only been accepted as edible by most of the Western world for the past 200 years. Our story begins thousands of years ago, in South America—Peru,