
Can You Tell Us Little About Project Where You Are?

Decent Essays

• Can you tell us a little about yourself and your time at Beck? Can you tell us little about project where you are? o I’ve been with Beck nine years this summer, my first experience with the company was an internship on the Fellowship Church Camp in Hawkins. I’m currently an assistant project manager at the Southern Methodist University’s aquatic center and responsible for the pool and building’s MEP systems. The building is unique in that the majority of space is one big open volume; there wasn’t a lot of coordination to do above ceiling. In addition, we had a minimal amount of duct above the open space but still had to coordinate the structure side of things in that area.
• How were you made aware of 3d coordination available on job? …show more content…

By using a three dimensional “draft” model, we were able to adjust the reinforcing to account for hanger locations before the traditional coordination process was complete. This was critical as there were only tolerances of four inches at sixteen inch intervals. We are currently installing these systems and having this information available has drastically cut down on our installation time.
• By using the coordination process do you feel there was more collaboration with the subcontractors and architects/engineers on the project? Did you learn something new? o I believe from the subcontractor standpoint there is more engagement and cooperation; this led to establishing relationships earlier and leading to an effective job start-off. Beck was able to engage the architects on this project by fully coordinating the RCP plans leading to decreased installation times in the field. We were able to catch several discrepancies in the design and resolve these issues before they were manifested. In fact, one of the principals from the architecture firm noticed the effort and complemented Beck for our endeavors. It was a positive experience to get this feedback from the firm opposed the usual hostilities you sometimes receive from architects.
On the learning side, just learning how to efficiently drive the model was significant. From a

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