All these are the deep and important driver of Canadian culture and shows the prevalent culture on the basis of which society make their development and growth. There is less power distance prevailing in the society of Canada. Power is equally distributed among each individual within the society and organization. Each employee has his own value in the organization this will create confidence in him and he will be more motivated to perform the job role. Individualism is prevailing in the Canadian society; people are like to take care of themselves and their family (Reddy, 2011). They are not loyal towards the whole society. This factor is higher in the culture of the Canada. Individual always work for their growth and development rather thinking about the whole organization which affects the success of the organization in achieving their objectives (Reddy, 2011). Communication Hall:
Communication style in Bangladesh:
The concept of cross culture also includes communication language and communication style. Bangla is the national language
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Bangladesh is a culture-centric nation business personal follows all the cultural beliefs and values while making business decisions. Business organizations operating in Bangladesh follows autocratic or transactional leadership style which affects the team management. A team can be managed effectively if team members have received equal opportunity in decision making. Democratic style of leadership is helpful in making good decisions (Abdullah, et. al., 2011). The growth rate of development is slow in the Bangladesh because of inappropriate leadership style and decision-making process. An effective team management involves cooperatively working in the team, proper communication network between members, work as per the set target and objectives and time to time appraisal of
Due the the geographic reason, Canadian culture is often seen as similar to the United States. For instance, language, political beliefs, food, religion and social well-being. I agree that most part of the American popular culture is being adopted by most Canadians because of the powerful media such as movies, films and books are produced by the American. Massey-Leveque, who is a chancellor of the University of Toronto, argued that “ Canada is cultural dependent in its ‘uncritical use of American education philosophy”(as cited in Gasher, M., Skinner, D., & Lorimer,R., 2012,p.196). Hollywood, one of the biggest and most famous film corporations in the world, is devastating part of the Canadian culture. The reason is that by multi-billion
Quebec is a distinct nation within Canada and it is important for Quebec to remain this uniqueness by continuing to be a dominant francophone culture. With the decline of French population Quebec fears a loss for their language, culture and identity. Quebec has enforced a rule in terms of immigration to protect their culture. For example, Herouxville, Quebec has issued a code of standard to inform immigrants that they must leave their culture, ethnicity, and language behind and must adapt to Quebec culture. Quebec is struggling to maintain their provinces French language and culture. If Canada’s population continues to grow from immigration the government may enforce laws to lighten up the immigration law within Quebec allowing all minorities.
Remote communities such as those in northern Canada consistently experience a shortage of healthcare providers (HCP) including nurses (Place, Macleod, Moffitt & Pitblado, 2014). Due to the cultural and geographical uniqueness of these areas, challenges are inevitable, however, it can be undoubtedly rewarding. Nurses can particularly gain valuable experience regarding the importance of cultural competence and its implementation.Therefore, this paper will discuss the context of northern Canadian communities as well as three challenges and three benefits faced by nurses working there. Considering the populations in these communities are culturally diverse, it is especially essential for the nurses to have the appropriate cultural knowledge and skills in working with these populations. Consequently, we will also explore the definition of cultural competence, other terms used to describe this concept and how nurses can ensure they have the necessary cultural competence to work with these communities.
Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic,
Do you think that the Canada Health Act expresses more strongly values of collectivism or individualism? I think that source in page 90 is showing a little bit of both Individualism and collectivism, i get the idea that is it both because they worry about people that need help. Then they also subtract the fact that some doctors went through a lot to get a doctor's degree. So if the doctor can not charge what he believes his services are worth but instead could get paid a substantially low amount. Unlike people in United States, where most doctors in the States are making from $156,000 to $315,000 in American dollars, where as doctors in canada would only make $146,000 to $213,000 in the American dollars. That is my reasoning behind why it's
Canada’s media industries have played a huge role in the Canadian culture. The Canadian culture has integrated with other countries forming a successful globalization. Many countries including the United States have contributed to the success in Canada’s media industries. The success of globalization between all of the countries was predicted by Marshall McLuhan and ever since his prediction, the world can be depicted as a global village. The global village can be viewed as a tool, a tool that is bringing the world together, despite the different languages, locations, and diverse cultures. With new technologies being developed more often, the communication skills between different countries are very successful. Canada’s diversity in their media and policies has established a global village with people around the world, allowing them to relate to the Canadian culture.
Being Canadian is so much more than just the cliché stereotype of living in igloos, playing hockey 24/7, and drinking Tim Hortans coffee every day. Being a part of the Canadian culture means that all Canadians are unified as one big family. Culture is defined as “a set of human made objective and subjective elements that have increased the probability of survival, and resulted in satisfaction for the participants” (Samovar, 1991). Every culture has their own attitudes, customs and beliefs that differentiate one culture from another. Canadian culture can be very distinctive from other cultures. Usually the first impression of Canadians is that we are very polite and we live in an extremely friendly and accepting country. Being Canadian is about having big hearts and appreciating our diverse environment. Our country shares a wide variety of different ethnic backgrounds which makes being Canadian unique.
Canadian Political Culture, in a nation- state context, can be break down as beliefs and attitudes that Canadian have of political objects( Jackson, Politics in Canada.1994).
When it comes to work in Canada, it is totally evident that each workplace is unique. It has its own culture and unwritten rules which every newcomer should know and be familiar with them. In fact, when the new immigrants come to work in Canada they face various difficulties and challenges in their jobs. It is precisely for these reasons, the majority of the experts in the Canadian workplace culture confirm that there are some common tips which can help the newcomers to integrate into the Canadian workplace successfully.
Canada is considered to be a cultural mosaic, where all cultures are embraced opposed to a melting pot where it is expected to adopt one culture. Government regulated media is more favourable than policies based off of self-regulated solutions when addressing Canada’s media industries and cultural needs. Canadians place importance on national identity and without government regulated policies, the content in the media would have minimal Canadian information. According to the Aird Commission, when Canada’s media was operating through private enterprise, many stations expressed conflicting content, however, with state regulated media, broadcasting allows the nation to have a unified vocation. One unified message being sent to the nations citizens is more beneficial than multiple broadcasts on differentiated and insignificant information.
Although Canada and the United States share the same continent, they are divided by their unique ideas and views. After WWI ,Canada broke its ties with Britain and new independent nation was born with a unique culture. This new culture developed through the Canadian citizens. As a Canadian citizen, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie helped achieve autonomy from Britain and solidify national unity at home. Canadian inventor ,Fredrick Banting ,maintained his culture as Canadian and contributed to the world through his invention of insulin. Many artists, authors, actors , actresses and athletes have played their part in Canadian culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, Canada asserted independence from Britain and the United States to develop
Canada is one of two countries located in North America and is the second largest country in the world. It is situated just north of the United States and constitutes the northern part of the country, excluding Alaska. Over the years Canada's culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, mainly that of the French and British. Canadian culture has also been influenced by the countries' first people, the Aboriginals, as well as the newer immigrated population (Wikipedia, 2007). Canada consists of ten provinces and three northern territories, almost all of which are "rich in land and natural resources" (Bailey, par. 2). Canada is often referred to as a mosaic community because there is such a wide variety
Canadian identity and history is grounded in the culture and the traditions of the Aboriginal peoples. Popularly known as being the first inhabitants of Canada, Aboriginals strive to enrich the country’s cultural mosaic through their existence and thus are an integral part of this nation. Although Aboriginals are deemed as an important part of the Canadian social fabric today, history (past and present) documents a contrasting image to this ideology where it is coloured by the economic, social, and physical hardships of Aboriginal societies in Canada. Scarred by the social and racial injustices of the past, Aboriginal education is a major continuing issue with regards to minority education in Canada. According to J. P. White and Dan Beavon (2009), “Aboriginal educational attainment lags significantly behind the Canadian population” (p. 3). Between 1981 and
Each and every one of the world's many nations is unique in its own way. No two nations are the same in terms of the way they live. Whether it is driving on the right or left side of the road, pronouncing words a certain way or using hand gestures to communicate different meanings, each nation of the world has something that allows it to stand out. This uniqueness can come from certain religions, cultural practices, geography, history or from a multitude of other reasons. Despite this, a unique nation usually gains its originality and identity from its people. The way the people interact, live, work, play and have come to exist dictate how others perceive them as a culture. Canada is a provocative country with a divergent population.
Cross-cultural communication involves an understanding of how people from different cultures speak, communicate, and perceive the world around them. This type of communication has become fundamental to companies as well as entrepreneurs looking to grow their business, in addition to being fundamental as the workplace has become more diverse. In this line is important to highligh the concept of high- and low-context culture.