
Canavan Disease: A Case Study

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Ben is an 8 year old boy with a rare disease called canavan disease. Canavan disease is a non well known disease mainly incorporated in AshKenazi Jews. The disease affects the neurons in the brain causing the brain to develop oddly. Common symptoms of the disease are abnormally large skull, unable to develop proper motor skills and weak muscle tone growth. Ben’s parents have had trouble procreating in the past but Ben was a whole new catastrophe. When ben was born in January of 2003 he was not diagnosed with the disease until a whole 8 months of being alive. Ben’s parents immediately knew their son had something wrong with him due to his unable to stay calm without food, uncontrollable crying, and inability to sleep. Ben’s parents had no idea how much pain Ben was in. After countless months of routine checkups, Ben was taken to a new doctor where he was later diagnosed with the rare disease. Ben’s …show more content…

Ben was referred to a neurosurgeon by the name of Dr. Brainman to get a shunt and drain the unnecessary growth of his brain. The operation was done successfully and Ben’s head was at an almost normal healthy size. Ben was kept in the hospital for 2 weeks as his shunt began to heal and his parents hated every last second of it. They were not allowed to make contact with him or even see him from afar. Ben had to be kept in a special cot until he was fully healed or the wound could lead to a fatal consequence. Although shunt began to heal at a rapid pace, Ben’s head was increasing in size. Ben’s condition could not be stopped. The parents had a couple of decisions they could make; they could do more research and find any possible way they could find a fix or they could let Ben develop with the disease. Distraughtly, Ben’s parents decided to allow Ben to develop as a boy with the disease. Ben began his journey on a quite interesting path. He began returning to the normal symptoms of

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