The most important day for the United States ends up being a frigid, gloomy Tuesday. Large, gray puffy clouds shaped like cotton candy from a carnival fill the sky, murky dead-looking plants lay on the frosted ground, and the brisk wind runs through the thick human skin of many. The cold chilling weather overlaps the long, never-ending line of passionate citizens ready to cast their vote for their favorite candidate. The mile-long, overcrowded group showed trailing out of the white, tall brick, reserved retirement building. The two clear glass doors opening and closing with new and previous voters. Chills and shivers fill the line, puffs of warm breath surfaces from each chattering mouth. A diversity of people: the elderly, young, middle-age and tiny children join together to contribute towards history. A variety of smells overfill the air; cheap perfume from an elderly woman, baby powder from a crying one-year-old, …show more content…
Many people who do not pay attention to different parties other than the two main ones should spend time researching to find the best candidate possible for that election. It is important to shed light on every person running for office because each one could bring up certain positions that you, yourself are concerned about. At any point in time, a third party candidate could be favoring your views and you wouldn’t even notice. Instead of settling for the two main parties, branch out and expand your knowledge toward other candidates. The government and media should allow for all running candidates an equal amount of coverage and publicity to get their views out to the world. Without knowing about everyone that is running, how will we know if there’s someone out there better than a Democrat or
Everyone is most definitely ready for a change. It’s just I’m not sure how these changes are going to be obtained. A third-party candidate could actually have a chance at winning the popular vote. However, when it comes to the electoral college and their votes that is where the problem lies. Then, comes the ever popular resource in politics which is money. Funding the campaign to go up against republican and democratic nominees wouldn’t be cheap.
Every person has a different form of voting such as that they may read the parties platform and attend their given debates and make an informative decision that way. There are others who go through the route of party identification. Party identification is where you are part of a certain political party and your loyalty is given to that party which therefore effects your vote. Political parties serve as shortcuts for voters by people voting for the party they see best fit. There are people who vote strictly for the party they give their loyalty to and not for the candidate which is not always the right way to go. The party may have beliefs and value that you agree with but sometimes the candidate may not be the best representation of the party and may not be capable of having the power that comes with the position. Although party identification is a great idea I feel for our government to run efficiently we should see the candidate themselves then look at the party to fully take in to account their core
Let’s talk about elephants and donkeys, and no, this is not at the zoo. These are the two political parties that run the government in America. Today, America primarily has a two-party system, the Democrats and Republicans. They are always seen on the news bickering and fighting with one another, and it is never a surprise if a bill is going to pass, depending on which party is in control of Congress at the moment. When you get into an argument with a sibling, significant other, parents, etc., it can make it hard to focus on anything else going on in life. The parties are always at each other’s throats, which makes one wonder if they are focused on the well-being of this nation. Helen Keller once said in regard to politics, “Our democracy is but a name. We vote. What does that mean? . . . We choose between two . . . bodies of autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee” (qtd. in “Challengers of Duopoly”). Something needs to change so that America gets back the representative democracy it once was; we are a nation of 320,000,000 people and counting, yet we are supposed to be split into two measly groups when it comes to politics? A third-party candidate, and the acceptance of independents, would allow America to become a more democratic nation and help with the current polarization of the parties.
During the time of the elections businesses have been debating of weather to make their opinion of who they are for and who they are against. Some businesses think that it will draw in more customers or lose a big part of their market. Because of this many businesses had gone away from the subject entirely on fear of losing their clientele. Many of the businesses (mainly small ones) are worried that the presidential debate will hurt the economy making it harder to function in the future.
Summary-The title of this article provides the reader with a good idea of what is going to be discussed. The article cautions the reader that they may need to prepare to vote for the least offensive candidate for Presidency. The article provides insight on what persuades a person of a certain political party to vote for a candidate. The majority of voters seek to nominate the ones who have the same ideals as they have. Flaws and voters opinions often lead to the most popular candidate being elected. The end result of the elector’s choice does not necessarily mean that the best person for the position will be elected. In retrospect, these candidates who are running for office know that if they want to be elected they will have to ensure
They can additionally focus on changing people minds who previously didn’t support them. Incumbents can show how they have already done well completing their past goals and with their support can complete future ones. The support base will not only campaign, but also reinforce how the incumbent has helped and benefited them. Incumbents can do statistically analyzes of the economy before and after their term or testimonial on how they personally aided the voters. How the public’s unemployment rate dropped or high school’s dropout rate has decreased are some examples an incumbent can show? Incumbents also have disadvantages when it comes time for running for
The final election is quickly approaching and it is either going to be Donald Trump or you, but this election I would not vote for you if I had the chance because I disagree on majority of your views. Firstly, immigration is a large issue in this country just with jobs alone and you want to follow the same direction as President Obama. I am not saying that immigration is a bad thing, but that some parts of it have gotten out of control such as having millions returning to work, but they have low paying jobs or only work-part time. Next, as I have understood that you believe in “Pro-Choice”, myself being “Pro-Life” makes me on the complete other side of you and I don’t believe that it is right to murder the unborn. In 2012, a total of 699,202
Voting--the pinnacle of democracy, suffrage for all. While it took a couple of centuries for the United States to guarantee universal suffrage, we now have it, regardless of sex or race. The struggle of acquiring suffrage is a long history, one that we as Americans paradoxically praise and condemn, but it is history, and now we must look towards the future. Yet, Harvard Professor Dr. Judith Shklar argues otherwise in her lecture “Voting” where she navigates the history behind the long battle for universal suffrage in the United States. More importantly, she provokes the audience when she presents an unorthodox history of the struggle for suffrage:
Because the nature of this building was a polling place, candidates' signs sat atop the grassy embankment like a flock of birds waiting to take off for flight, but instead of flying away, they sat there, motionless. As the signs began to multiply, tensions between residents rose. At first everything was peaceful, but as election day drew nearer, quarrels outside the center became commonplace. Luckily, none of them resulted in violence, but these events would strike deep wounds and divide the small village. To ensure the relations of the people in my hometown be restored, and to give the bland appearance of the outside a make-over, the senior center will embody what it has always been known for: bringing the people of Smithton together, regardless of age.
Regardless of an individual’s political enthusiasm, the 2016 election cycle was one of, if not the most widely discussed election cycles in the history of the United States. Citizens and non- citizens from across the globe seemed to voice their opinions about either presidential candidate at one point or the other, the same goes for various House and Senatorial, except on a smaller scale. This essay will focus on the outcomes of the 2016 general elections thought an in-depth analysis of the following criteria; who voted for the candidates in the presidential and senatorial races, what was the reasoning behind their vote, when these individuals decide to vote, where the voters came out to vote and how that differed from previous election cycles and finally why this election cycle was so unique in its predictions and outcomes.
From the birth of our nation, the United States' greatest attribute has been our democracy. A democracy that throughout history we have fought and advocated for in foreign lands. A democracy that has caused the division of our nation, through which we shed our brother's blood to unite once more. A democracy so beautiful that it has became infamous and erects hatred and malice in the hearts of our nation's enemies. This great democracy, however, has a great self-destructive weakness. The chink in our democratic armor, is our desire of pristine politicians. Politicians of today are bound to a black and white world. Where one must choose which of two sides their beliefs fall or risk fighting an up-hill battle to be elected. Two of these sides have names that we all hear on a daily occurrence, Republicans and Democrats. These political parties play such majors roles in the politics of today, that there isn't much room for a another party. Should one choose to not affiliate with one of the two major parties, they are casted to a third party. A third party is defined by Webster dictionary as "a major political
The basis for my paper is a touchy subject and can often lead to heated debates on both sides of the political aisle. So far the election has seen numerous accounts of mudslinging and accusations against both candidates, with the end in sight who will rise above it all? With so many questions about both of our candidates at a pivotal time in our countries history who will be the next to lead.
They can unite a diverse group of people by persuading them by having them believe what it is they say is true, can represent a large base of issues, provides an already administrative government, and recruits candidates for office. Political parties are groups of people who come together because they share a mutual vision for their community. People are naturally attracted to others who share similar beliefs and ideas. This attraction allows people to network with one another, creating connections they might not have otherwise made. Involvement in a preferred party can mean making new friends, traveling new places, and being able to work toward making the world a better place based upon the beliefs they share with society. Political parties prioritize themselves, in 2016, the total cost of the U.S. election was an estimated $6.4 billion, according to information from ( The cost of the Presidential race was $2.38 billion. In 2012, those figures were $6.2 billion. Just one election in the United States, is enough to solve most hunger issues for a year. That means the goal of most political parties is to prioritize themselves, so they can be in
This has been one of the craziest and exciting presidential elections of all time. All three debates were wildly entertaining and interesting to watch. The question is, after all of this who what I ultimately vote for? Throughout all the journals I've written and the two commercials I’ve watched, it’s honestly a very grueling decision. Both candidates have their pros and cons, but with both candidates, their cons outweigh their pros. Most times that they are featured on the news are from negative instances rather than positive ones. Most likely when America votes they are going to vote for who they dislike the least and in my opinion I feel the same exact way.
Political parties are an essential part of our democratic government system. Having different parties gives individuals freedom to choose an individual or a group that best meets their needs and expectations. The two main political parties are Democratic and Republican. The Libertarian and Green parties are the two leading third parties.