
Carbon Dioxide Experiment in Photosynthesis

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Without carbon dioxide plants cannot photosynthesize. Through reading various books and web pages it was made clear that carbon dioxide is definitely one of the raw materials needed for photosynthesis, but I wanted to see whether this is actually true and if carbon dioxide is taken away completely will the plant photosynthesize at all? By taking a two plants of the exact same species, de-starching them both followed by putting plant one in conditions where carbon dioxide is taken away completely, and plant two will then be put in conditions where carbon dioxide is added, after a day or two in these conditions leaves from both plants will be tested for starch, if the leaf tests positive for starch it means that the plant has …show more content…

All sources ultimately made it clear that carbon dioxide is very necessary for photosynthesis as well as the amount of carbon dioxide affecting the rate at which a plant can photosynthesize. Methodology and presentation of findings
• Step 1: get two well watered pot plants of the same species and put them in a dark place for about 48 hours so that they use up their starch.
• Step 2: do the starch test (see from step 6-11) to make sure there is no starch present.
• Step 3: put each plant under a bell jar and on top of a glass plate where you put Vaseline around to prevent any outside air from coming in and any inside air from escaping out.
• Step 4: In bell jar #1 put sodium bicarbonate solution in a small beaker to release carbon dioxide into the jar.
• Step 5: In bell jar #2 put sodium hydroxide solution in a small beaker to absorb any carbon dioxide that may be present inside the jar.
• Step 6: leave both jars in a warm sunny place for about 48 hours and then test a leaf from each plant for starch.
• Step 7: put each leaf in a beaker of boiling water to soften them.
• Step 8: put each leaf into a test tube with ethanol and then put that test tube in a beaker of boiling water to bring the ethanol to a boil; this is to extract any green colour from the leaf.
• Step 9: take each leaf out with

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