
Care Values And Beliefs

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Care values and underlying principle of early years There are 3 main values of care which are:  Promoting equality and diversity  Maintaining diversity  Promoting individual rights and beliefs Communication can be enhanced by promoting equality and diversity. Equality being practiced is when people who use health care services are being treated equally to their needs for example communication, services and aids. Here, the care workers need to make sure that their own attitudes, opinions and beliefs is not reflected in their communication with the service user. The care giver needs to be ethically sensitive, respecting cultural values, cultural practice and cultural needs. For communication to be non-discriminatory the care worker would …show more content…

For example, certain hand gestures are accepted in in the UK, but would not be in others, looking straight into the eyes of a person, when speaking is desirable in most conversation in the UK but to other cultures it would be deemed as rude and lack of mannerism. Diversity is when people are individuals are recognised as being different and are respected for it. Each of us has different values meaning we also have different priorities. A care worker has to ensure that they recognise the diverse attitude of those that they care for, just because these may be different from their own they must not be condemned or treated differently. Maintaining confidentiality means that personal and private information must be kept safely and not shared with others except in a need-to- know basis. A care worker must be careful and make sure that they do not abuse the service users such as shouting at them, using inappropriate language and even threatening. The service user needs to beat ease and trust that the information which is been shared to the care giver is safe and would not be spread around the care- setting. For example The only occasion when a care worker must break confidentiality …show more content…

Linda could simply tell her politely that she cannot be treated if she doesn’t take her clothes off. Maintaining confidentiality: confidentiality should be maintained at all times in care setting. Although this is not always possible as other professional care workers might need to know what was being said. It is only critical to disclose certain information in situations where a service user has an intention of self-harm, an intention to harm others and an intention to participate in crime. But above all no information should be disclosed to any other member as it is not a social discussion. For example: Debbie (service user) in one of her appointments told Linda about her husband who snores which has kept her up all night. It would be a bridge of confidentiality if Linda went and told other care giver “poor Debbie her husband snores a lot and ……..” Only in exception such as this, Debbie who is the care user might have disclosed some information to Linda who is the service user about how she was beaten by her boyfriend, it is right thing for Linda to call the police and report the issue as assault and violence after speaking to the head of department about

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