
Career Development Reflection

Decent Essays

According to our textbook Sears (1982), describes career development as a “lifelong process involving psychological, sociological, educational, economic, and physical factors, as well as chance factors that interact to influence the career of an individual” (p.8).

Sears definition is important because it helps us to recognize that career development doesn’t happen as a result of one meeting with a counselor, nor is it limited to only official work that we are paid for. Our career is impacted by many different aspects of our lives. We can’t isolate what we do in an office from what we do outside the office. The beauty of any team of workers is the synergy that is created between the many unique giftings and experiences of team members. …show more content…

These experiences don’t clearly lead to working as a high school principal unless you look at career development as including the totality of life experiences.

Career development based on a Sears definition is unique because it empowers individuals to explore a wider range of opportunities. It enables someone like me to consider being a college counselor and someone like Ms. Angeles to consider being a high school principal. From our school perspective this is beneficial because we need to find capable people that don’t always fit a prototypical teaching career pattern.

I believe a key ethical consideration for someone working in career counseling is avoiding the trap of being too directive in counseling. As stated in principle 3 we must respect our client’s right to “choose their own directions” (textbook, p. 30). I pride myself in being a very analytical thinker and always being able to come up with the right solution to a problem. It is very easy for me to analyze a student’s skills, interests and abilities and then come up with what I think the right career choice is. If I carry this tendency to the extreme, I my inadvertently lead students to follow a path that seems logical, but isn’t truly where they belong. Despite my intent of providing the student with the perfect career, I actually lead them

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