Title - Hospital Operations Exam 1
Covering letter – I by name jaggavarapu pradeep reddy with UHCL student id 1405651 submitting this document, which is about the answers for the questions in exam 1.
1. Based on what you’ve learned so far, list at least three strengths and three weaknesses each that you have as it relates to a career in healthcare administration. Expound on your weaknesses by discussing ways you will/can develop them throughout this semester and beyond. Minimum of two paragraphs. You can add this to your portfolios that you are creating.
My strengths are
1) Responsibility to a task- I feel great responsibility to a given task and try to engage all available resources to complete it in time.
2) Good clinical
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The concept of health insurance is right or not is a double edged sword.
Why is health insurance a right? - Because
1) In order to cover unexpected costs during illness- no one can expect when they will land in illness that requires lot some of money which may cripples family economic situation or medical bankruptcy, in this situation health insurance surely helpful.
2) To improve public health- being an insurance holder every individual can access to hospital even with mild illness which help to detect and treat illness in primary stages or stoppage of communicable diseases, by which public health is improved.
Why is health insurance should not a right?-
1) Over exploitation of limited health care resources- with less out of pocket expenses patient will opt for high end treatment procedures or in order to meet reimbursements criteria hospital management forced physicians to go for high end diagnostic procedures.
For example, a simple chest x ray is sufficient to diagnose and treat pneumonia but to meet reimbursement criteria hospital management opt for costly CT scan.
3. We’ve referenced technological advances in medicine several times over the past several weeks. How have these advances affected hospital operations? Minimum of two paragraphs.
Surely technological advances in medicine affects hospital operations.
In physicians perspective- advancements in EHR and implantation of ICD coding nomenclature helps to gather patient information correctly
Public health is concerned with improving the health of population, rather than treating the diseases of individual patients. If a condition has been discovered -they want to make sure they live longer by promoting and preventing diseases and complications. Public health is everyone around you and the involvement of the community. If public health is really effective then it will also help the NHS save money.
The overutilization of high dollar radiology services is an important topic to research to help reduce health care costs, including costs associated with health insurance, and provide better care to the member. Using other, more conservative, treatments before high dollar radiology services is better in regards to care and costs to both the member and the provider. However, it is very important to medically manage the members
once they tried to use for coverage through Marcia's job, they were turned down due to Matthew's pre-existing condition. Matthew finally qualified for coverage through incapacity; however Mark had to wish a lower-paying job to be eligible for coverage (Health Security 6). Hence, increasing immobility of policies is significant to reform. Not ought to be compelled to a private lose quantity with the loss of employment. Secondly, insurance suppliers have to be compelled to stop cherry-picking people. individuals mustn't be denied health care coverage as a results of they need been sick. Denial of amount alone forces these patients to use pricey space services instead of getting regular treatment. Costs} ar just passed on to the insured patients at intervals the style of higher prices (U.S. Health 18). Insuring the sick could cause the healthy person's premiums to travel up, however everybody can have the nice issue regarding the peace of mind that medical coverage can forever be accessible.
The restrictions on health care services and reimbursements that are intended to reduce health care cost by discouraging individuals from using care inappropriately. The discouragements of inappropriate care have done nothing else but affect the quality of care that patients receive and their health. It is amazing when people’s freedom of choices in the physician and health plans they want becomes limited to them it can ultimately reduce their health. (JAMA.2001; pg. 285:2622-2628)
“The Process Improvement in Stanford Hospital’s Operating Room” case has many issues when it comes to regards to its existing instrument provisioning process taking place within the Operating Room (OR) of Stanford’s Hospital. This process entails getting instruments ready for a surgery in the OR and the cleansing of these instruments afterwards; however, there are many problems that arise in this process.
No one plans to have oneself or a family member diagnosed with a chronic disease or to be involved in a debilitating accident. Unfortunately, these situations are all too familiar and can happen every day. Having health insurance when these life changing events occur can provide a person or family
Long time ago, there was no need for health insurance in America, as doctors had many clients because their services were not so expensive and in some cases in rural areas, people could pay by giving other items. Doctors were not as knowledgeable as they are nowadays to care for the sick, therefore this didn't have much effect then on the patients, as they were treated for the basic illnesses.
Risk of financial ruin is an important factor of having insurance. You Might face some health problems in later months like a sudden accident, cancer, diabetes, kidney stones or a car accident, this will leave with staggering medical bills. And not paying
give those who are uninsured or under-insured, better coverage and ensure better quality health care,
In 1950, South Korea developed its economy and was greatly influenced by the United States of America. While North Korea followed the path of communism, South Korea discovered a better path of developing their nation and becoming more unified as a family. The surrender of Japan to the allies at the end of World War II was the catalyst in the split of Korea. North Korea then attempted to conquer the Korean peninsula by force (Armstrong). South Korea focused on intensifying their nationalism such as developing their own culture and the unity of factions. Additionally, South Korea focused on improving the efficiency of its government system as it selected a new designated leader and received support and funding from their
Also, a lack of insurance is a huge financial burden for individuals and their families. Lack of health insurance has social consequences, as well. Some diseases are highly contagious and can be spread easily to family members, friends, colleagues, co-workers and others, one may come in contact with. With health insurance, these contagious diseases can be contained and cured or treated more quickly and cost-effectively. People without health insurance have limited, reduced access to services of preventive care, like cancer screening.
On November 10th 2015, I went to the Bridgeport Police Department to get my fingerprints, as well as my palm prints done by a lady named Debbie Ayers. Mrs. Ayers works for the Federal Bureau of Investigation actually in the fingerprinting department, so it was nice because she had tons of interesting information about this subject! When it comes to fingerprinting, there are various types of inks and methods used to carry out the process. For instance, there is the chemical method which is where a red porelon pad ink is used. After the fingerprints are taken, the next step in the chemical method would be to put the ten print card into a heating element which would make the ink come out black
Others ensure their health in terms of maintaining a fit and other ranging activities. Health coverage is expensive and not entirely necessary. There are cheaper options, and the government has various policies to ensure that people enjoy a healthy life. The health coverage predisposes people to the anticipatory risk for the illness. What is more disappointing is that many alternative measures can easily achieve the coverage.
This case study is about Odyssey Systems Integrators Limited (OSIL) and SinoSecurities, which is a joint venture between the Chinese government and a Taiwanese personal computer manufacturer TIL. TIL owned the majority stake in the joint venture. “TIL wanted to use SinoSecurities as a springboard to sell hardware and establish itself as an IT service provider” (McFarlen, 2001). Paul Yang was the project manager for OSIL. The objective of the project is “the development of an electronic transaction gateway interfacing with Shenzhen’s stock exchange that would enable domestic accountholders to trade securities over the Internet through online accounts with local banks” (McFarlan, 2001).
The fact that health care isn’t free for everyone causes problems. Wealthy people being able to afford health care and poor people not are the first and biggest problem that we have today. This is very unfair. Whether a person is rich or poor, they still need the proper treatment and care in order for