
Case Study: Neumann Family Services

Decent Essays

Neumann Family Services guarantees that its clients shall have the rights to certain things. Among these are:
Dignity and respect from staff at all times. When staff are providing treatment, the intervention should also convey a sense of dignity and respect. Acceptance of their sexual orientation
Right to a reasonable expectation of privacy (Constitutional Right outlined in section of Rights for People with Disabilities)
Free access to the telephone All of these come from two sections of the constitution: “Rights of Individuals Receiving Support” or “Rights Guaranteed to Persons with Disabilities” and were discussed at our Human Rights training session

Neumann emphasizes that a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy is a constitutional right’ …show more content…

At Neumann, the general informed consent procedure for every client is that, before they even start, they need to fill out an informed consent packet. This packet varies depending on if the client lives in one of the residential areas. If they do, then the client also needs to give consent for the staff working with them at the group homes to discuss personal details about them to outside parties, such as family, friends, outside therapists/psychiatrists, or any other party that needs information about the client. Client records at Neumann are all confidential and on file with our Case Management …show more content…

Moreover, a social worker's professional influence on and bond with a client extend well beyond formal termination” (Kagle, Doner, and Northrup 1994). As social workers, we are constantly being reminded of the importance of taking care of ourselves and addressing our needs in addition to our clients’ needs. A social worker neglecting their personal needs to put their clients first can ultimately be harmful to the client because if the social worker neglects their needs, especially those such as sleep and health, then they will be less able to help their client(s) and then the client(s) will unfortunately pay the price for the social worker’s deficits. It is not to imply that social workers should neglect their clients needs, of course, but rather that they need to set aside some time for themselves every day to address their own needs so that they can ultimately do the best possible job of serving their clients and addressing their

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