
Case Study Of D. E.'s Social And Emotional Support System

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D.E.’s social and emotional support system appears to be adequate, although it is limited to those relationships made either at home or at work. The patient can benefit from expanding his social interaction to new environments. Given that he is unaware of other resources available to him, perhaps he could be encouraged to interact with neighbors, other members of the community, peers in professional organizations, and even spiritual sources of support. This will enhance his ability to cope with potential challenges related to his current health issues.
Client’s Locus of Control and Readiness to Learn
The patient is an educated professional who appears to lack knowledge of how to best utilize resources to maximize his and his family’s life …show more content…

will be educated on the possibility of seeking the care of a specialist in the area of men’s health, namely a Urologist, who has the ability and expertise to provide highly specialized care while ensuring that other possible diseases, such as prostate cancer have been ruled out. The Urologist also has the ability to care for men-specific conditions associated with the aging process that can maximize his health and overall well-being including erectile dysfunction. (American Urological Association, 2015).
Lastly, he will be presented with a comprehensive educational approached geared towards successfully managing his hypertension and hypercholesterolemia through the use of dietary modifications and the inclusion of physical activity. Furthermore, D.E. will be educated on the increased risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) posed by his hypercholesterolemia as well as his increased risk for a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) posed by unmanaged hypertension. (MedlinePlus, 2012).
Interdisciplinary collaboration. Once D.E. has been educated regarding the importance of seeking the specialized care of a Urologist, he will be afforded the opportunity to choose one that suits his needs and in the event that he requires help in finding one, then he will be provided with the guidance necessary to locate …show more content…

Because D.E. already has a support system at home and at work, he will be guided in expanding and strengthening his level of involvement with people and in activities that are outside his current environment. To that end, he will be encouraged to socialize with neighbors and members of his community while possibly including some physical activity, such as walking. He could also find support and satisfaction in joining a professional organization where he could mentor young engineers while increasing his purpose and self-esteem. If he were open to the idea, he could also seek spiritual support from a church or a synagogue where he and his wife could meet like-minded individuals and become part of their own

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