To: Mr. Henry Chan, Chief Executive of Kitchen Best Appliance Company Ltd
From: KC Lam, Senior Consultant at Deloitte Consulting
Date: 30 November, 2017
Subject: Recommendations for Kitchen Best
1. Introduction
This report proposes recommendations to raise Kitchen Best’s competitiveness. It identifies the root causes of the problems that Kitchen Best Appliance Company Ltd is facing and will suggest actions to take with management system and quality control policy.
Due to fierce competition and increase number of new entrants, you are concerned about the effectiveness of the existing management system and quality control policy, as these can result in losing current and potential customers. Therefore, you invited my team to investigate the
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Findings and Analyses
Over the past years, Kitchen Best had expanded the headcount at the company from 80 to 1500. As the company is becoming larger and larger, company become more complex, procedures and system controls need to be reviewed periodically. Unlike how procedures may be based on personal preference when Kitchen Best is still a start-up. The absence of guidelines and policies on customer relationship leads to increase in unnecessary expenses.
Employees use kickbacks and gift-giving to help facilitate and generate new business. They were able to use fake invoices to claim reimbursement of entertainment expenses from wining and dining expenses or entertainment fee provided to suppliers and customers. It is difficult to adjust and estimate expenditure with no maximum control on gifts. Which reflects Kitchen Best flaws in accounting control system. Meanwhile, company allowed the inappropriate behaviour as you turned a blind eye to these practices, employees could easily have had the false impression that the company took no stance on such actions. This will increase the unnecessary expenses for the company, money may be used to maintain small profit margin business rather than investing into core business, inhibiting business from growing into a competitive
This discussion is on a food production company which is divided into two groups: Those that prepare and serve food and those that produce and distribute food, equipment, and services needed by food providers. The most common example of the first group food staffs are Restaurants employ who manages 60% of the work to be done within company. The former includes staffs, hosts, and busboys. The latter includes chefs, cooks, managers, and dishwashers. Fast food restaurants limit their employ to food preparation people, managers, and cashiers. The trend of food trucks adds a mobile
Nevertheless, the majority of customers are very satisfied with the amount of serving along with the quality of their meal as well as the price paid. The strategy of being a low priced high value added has seen problems due to lack of customers which is affecting the bottom line drastically. This inevitable circumstance has put a hold on operations and started an investigation upon various neighboring competitors and their own strategies.
Describe how quality management and supply chain management can support and help Pars Food Ltd. to achieve their long term objectives as detailed in the case study.
This week’s assignment is about evaluating the quality issues of three organizations. The three sectors I chose to evaluate are manufacturing, service and government. I will then discuss the importance of quality to each organization, the relationship of quality to customers, the leadership commitment to quality and the alignment of quality to the organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
Budget development should consider future changes that might influence the operation (Payne-Palacio & Theis, 2015, P.473). Not only budgeting, managers make decisions regarding service, product and performance evaluation in order to provide high-quality service. The active communication within customers and departments, training program and implementation of technology innovation is aimed to ensure the quality of service and product. A good menu design makes the operation more efficient and effective by considering the work process and sanitation in advance. This could help ensure the quality of the
Candles in the Dark As humans our brains tend to group together similar stimuli. However, while this is often beneficial, it can also have harmful consequences: stereotypes and prejudice. Furthermore, because many cannot overcome these misconceptions, almost every person whether they be white, black, male, or female have been in some way discriminated against.
The President Ralph Larsen has realized that Wengart has some major problems with the quality however he is focusing on the profitability instead of the longevity of the company. He needs to have the team focus on improving the quality problem or the company’s profits will continue to decrease. Larsen in the effort to improve the quality has decided to seek out help from an OD practitioner who suggests to Ralph to implement Top Quality Management (TQM). Larsen feels that this should be easy to implement and hands it off to Kent Kelly the Vice President. He feels that the TQM program was a matter of common sense (Brown, 2011, p. 365).
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Blain Kitchenware, Inc. (BKI), founded in 1927, is a mid-sized producer of small appliances for residential kitchens. BKI has an approximate 10% market share of the $2.3 billion U.S. market for small kitchen appliances, with 65% of sales originating from the US market. The company is public since 1994, and the majority of the shares is controlled by the founder's family (62% of outstanding shares), who also have a strong representation in the board of directors. Mr. Dubinski - the CEO since 1992 and great-grandson of one of the founders, successfully completed an IPO in 1994 and gradually moved the production abroad in the early 90s. BIK`s current strategy is to complement its
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When looking over Of Mice and Men, we come to realize that this work portrays various questions when it comes to man and his life. The main question that this work asks when the story is told is “is man destined to live alone, a solitary wanderer on the face of the earth, or is it the fate of man to care for man, to go in his way in companionship with another?” Should we ride solo or join others along the way? That is one of the themes of this work. This theme is like the theme that occurs in the Old Testament immediately following the story of creation and expulsion of Cain from the garden of Eden. (Goldhurst 126)
Specialty Food and Beverage company (SF), which founded in 2004 in Denmark, mainly covers foods and beverage, restaurants and hotel area. Recent years, the company had faced several problems which lead SF to an embarrassing situation. This assignment will introduce SF’s current issues, analyze the decision and then discuss the solution way which chose by SF’s high level management team.
This analysis delves into the company’s operation management principles to interpret its successful strategies and offer future recommendations.
For Andrei Octavian PARASCHIVESCU and Florin Mihai CAPRIOARA, organizations that desire to implement a strategic quality management approach should consider both the strategic dimension of quality and the management strategy (2014, p 19). In fact, both writers stipulate ”Quality Management” aims to advance quality to meet patron’s requirements by controlling processes (Paraschivescu & Caprioara, 2014, p 21). Likewise, their ideas confirm that the production approach demands a strict input from workers. In doing so, quality improvement teams can measure and spot